The Ministry of Magic

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   The past two days had been ones of relaxation. Harry had still been in some pain when they first arrived at Number 12 Grimmauld Place, and so they had just sat around and let Kreacher cook for them while they rested. However, they knew that wouldn't last forever. Mrs. Weasley had written them to let Harry know she had his trunk of stuff from before the wedding when they had left in a hurry. He was planning on going today, but one minor issue arose.

  Harry and Hermione were sitting at the table eating breakfast. Hermione was crashing at Number 12 Grimmauld place while she looked for an inexpensive place to stay for the summer. Harry was just telling Hermione he was going to go to the Weasleys if he could find some Floo Powder when another owl knocked on the window.  Harry curiously let it in.

  "That's odd, it says it's from the Minister of Magic."

  "Well that makes sense, Kinglsey was in the order, so he can reach this place. What does he want?"

  "It says,

  To Harry Potter,

I was hoping you could stop by my office at your earliest convenience today, I would like to officially announce the death of Voldemort and the end of the war, and I would like you to be present. I also have some ideas as we move forward into this new world and I would love to have your thoughts on these.

Hope to see you soon,

Minister of Magic, Kingsley Shaklebolt."

  "Well, if I were you I would get going now, who knows what he wants to ask you?"

  "You're right, I'll go here, and then later this afternoon I'll stop by the Weasley's. Kreacher, do we have some Floo Power?"

  "Ah yes, I put it in the cabinet, I will grab it for you!"

  Kreacher ran to another room and came back in holding a small bowl of green powder.

  "Thanks, Kreacher. See you guys later!'

Harry threw a small pinch of the dust into the fireplace, stepped in, and yelled "The Ministry of Magic!"

  Harry arrived in the main corridor that housed the many fireplaces with witches and wizards came in and out. As he stepped into the main hall, memories flooded back of his previous visit to the Minsitry. Evidently, Shaklebolt had set the Minsitry straight on him because no one attacked him as he walked towards the elevators, despite the signs still hanging with his picture and the title "Undesireable No. 1".

  Harry stepped into the life with about 10 other people, each taking small glances at him as rode in silence. One by one they each departed onto different floors until it was just him and one other wizard who both got off on Level 1. They soon went separate ways and Harry was left to himself as he walked the final corridor alone. He reached a small desk with a witch sitting in front of some books. She looked up as he approached.

  "Ah, Mr. Potter, the Minsiter is free and expecting you. You may go in now."

  "Thank you."

  Harry knocked on the door and heard Kingley's deep voice, "Enter."

  Harry stepped into the office and was amazed by how cozy it appeared. This is the room where the most important decisions are made, and he was standing in it.

  "Hello Harry, its good to see you standing and looking healthy. We were very worried about you."

  "Thank you Minister, trust me, I would have avoided it if possible." Harry replied with a laugh.

  "I'm sure. Harry while we are in this room you may call me Kingsley, I just ask that when we go out into the public you address me as Interim Minsiter."

  "Of course. Now, I understand you wanted to speak with me?"

  "Yes. I know you have had some run-ins with ministers in the past, and I want to begin my term on a better foot by promising you that I will not try and use you as my predecessors have. I have several ideas as we move forward and I want your honest opinions. I also request that you join me for my press conference, seeing as you are the very reason I am announcing the end of the war today. I also want to be able to clear your name while you are present."

  "I appreciate that Kingsley, but that is not at all necessary."

  "Yes, it is. You have proved to be very valuable, and I think you deserve to be thanked and not misunderstood. I beg you to join me."

  "Okay, okay, I will join you."

  "Good. Now, onto business. I am considering offering you, Ron, Hermione, and anybody who fought at Hogwarts the option to forgo their last year at Hogwarts and the full auror process and immediately begin working for the Ministry. As you know, many death eaters escaped Hogwarts once Voldemort fell, and there are many more out there who were not at the battle. Voldemort rallyed many dark magic species and creatures who are once again bothering our people. We are in desperate need of more aurors. Would you be willing to join us?"

  Harry sat in silence. "Kingsley, I appreciate the offer. But, I just spent the entire last year fighting and trying to survive. I need some time to myself to fully recover. I also want to be fully prepared if I decide to go into aurorship, and for that I feel the need to go back to Hogwarts for my final year. However, there will still be many applicants who will be very capable to fill those positions."

Kingsley nodded, "You are a very wise man Harry, I expected nothing less. I foresee you one day leading the Ministry in its fight against evil. There is another issue. Now that Voldemort has been defeated, there are many Death Eaters left to catch, many right under our noses. We can confirm now that the Malfoys are one of them. What do you think we should do?"
"Draco isn't a Death Eater, I believe he wasn't cut out for the Dark Arts. His father and mother were humiliated during Voldemort's last reign. They are cowards, and while they may still be out there, they are of no threat. I think you should start an investigation into their family, put them on probation, bar them from any governmental activities, and watch them closely. But I do not feel they require legal action. However, there are many out there who do require more intense action."
"Once more displaying your wisdom, and keeping personal issues at bay. Thank you for the advice, I may call on you again at some point. Let's go tell the public."

  "I would like to announce that He-Who-Must-Not-Be-Named, Voldemort, is dead," Kingsley announced to the pool of reporters and cameras flashing, "The War is over! A few days ago, Voldemort laid siege to Hogwarts with his army of Death Eaters. There he was met in battle by students, teachers, the Order of the Phoenix, and Harry Potter. In the following hours I was named interim Minister of Magic to help rebuild the Ministry and the Wizarding World as a whole. Before we move any further, I must present the truth. The man standing behind me is one Harry Potter. Many rumors and a lot of misinformation have been spread over the past few years, and has been most recently been wanted as Undesirable No. 1. The truth is, Mr. Potter is one of the most outstanding men I have ever met, and has been working tirelessly for the past few years to stop Voldemort. In the past year alone, he has defied the Ministry of Magic, living in the wild with his two friends, and they alone have worked the downfall of Voldemort and his army. Every wizard in the world owes their life and the end of this war to Harry Potter."
At this Kingsley shook Harry's hand as dozens of cameras flashed to capture the moment.

A few hours later, Harry was able to leave the Ministry and stop by the Weasleys. They forced him to stay for dinner, inviting Hermione as well to celebrate Harry no longer being wanted. They stayed deeply into the night, singing and celebrating.
It was a time of celebration before they had to address the sober truth.
"We will be having a funeral for Fred in two days. We wish you to speak Harry."
Harry's eyes filled as the lump reformed in his throat.
"I would be honored."
"Tonks and Remus' will be the next day, and I'm sure Tonks' mother will want you to speak for them as well."
Harry nodded and took a deep swig of his fire whiskey.
The mood was somber as they left, his belonging now back with him.
They had celebrated. Now it was time fore grieving.

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