A Cold Reunion

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   For both Harry and Hermione, the rest of the Christmas break went smoothly. They both received and gave gifts, however, each had vastly different experiences. Harry, despite the joy of Christmas, was still very lonely, and more confused than he had ever been in his life.

  Hermione was thankful to be safe. She was still very shaken up from the adventures with James and was unsure of what had happened to him once she left. The future was uncertain now, something she wasn't used to.

  Sooner than anyone expected, the break was over, and they were arriving at King's Cross. He boarded the train and reserved a compartment for him, Ron, Ginny, and Luna. He had to go to the head compartment first and instruct the prefects on their duties patrolling the train. He walked in and found a chair in the corner. He had arrived about fifteen minutes early, meaning he had a little bit before they would be arriving.

  Slowly people began to trickle in, talking quietly, catching up from the break. Two minutes before departure time, Hermione came in. This was his first time seeing her since their breakup. She scanned the room quickly, found him, and looked away quickly. She marched into the center of the room and commanded everyone's respect. He quietly walked over and listened as she gave them their instructions for the train ride. As soon as she finished, he bolted out of the room and found his way to the compartment he had reserved.

  Seeing her again was difficult. It brought back memories, questions, doubts, and fears. It also brought something he hadn't expected: guilt. He still loved her. Despite their separation, he still glowed when she entered the room, butterflies still fluttered in his chest, and his breathing sped up. And yet, he had slept with Ginny over break. Even though he had watched her kiss Ron, despite their break-up, and her betrayal, he still felt he had betrayed her as well. He felt ashamed.

  He spent the entirety of the train ride in silence. He tried to get involved in their conversations, but he would then find himself sucked back out of them by his own thoughts. Finally, the lights dimmed, and they began changing into their school robes. He left his stuff with Ron and walked into the passageway to help the students disembark. It took less time than usual to get everyone off the train and found himself in a carriage alone. This was preferred.

  He arrived at the school and walked into the Grand Hall, trying to get excited for the feast celebrating the start of the second term. The food was delicious, and seeing everyone again was uplifting, but it was still hard to ignore the feelings swirling around in his head. Once everyone had finished eating, they returned to their common rooms, which meant Harry would return to the shared chambers of the Head Boy and Head Girl. He knew it had been inevitable, but this was going to be very awkward.

  He entered the room to find the fireplace had been tended to by the house elves. How kind, as it was extremely cold inside the castle. He sat on the couch in front of the fire, trying to warm himself. He laid back, basking in the silence, the first moments of silence in several hours. He laid back against the couch, sinking into its softness.

  Hermione entered the room a few moments after Harry had. She had hoped that by waiting a few moments, he would go into his bedroom, and she could avoid the dreaded conversation that was inevitable for a few more hours. She entered quietly, quickly glancing around the room. She noticed a still form on the couch. She tip-toed over and found Harry asleep on the couch. She stood, watching his chest rise and fall for a few moments. This man that she loved, who she had pushed away. How she wished she could curl up next to him and rest in his arms.

     But she couldn't. James was still here. She had seen him on the train and in the Grand Hall during the feast. How he had gotten away, she didn't know, but that meant she must continue to push Harry away.  Even if it meant he hated her for the rest of his life.

    She felt a pang of pity as she watched him, and found a blanket. She covered him with the blanket and smiled for a moment before retreating to her room.

   Small rays of the sun woke Harry the next morning. It was still incredibly early in the morning; the sun had only just risen above the horizon. For some reason, Professor McGonagall had decided to bring the students back on a Saturday, meaning it was Sunday. They still would not have class till tomorrow, meaning they had a free day.

   Harry had only been awake for a few moments when the door to Hermione's room opened, and she walked into the common room. Their eyes met, and they locked eyes for a long beat.

  "Hi there," Harry said with a small grin.

  "Hi," Hermione replied sheepishly.

  She turned to the small kitchen and began fixing herself a breakfast.

  "How was your break?" Harry asked, trying to press the conversation.

  "Harry," Hermione said with a sigh.

  "Mine was okay but not as good as I had been hoping." Harry quickly interjected.

  "Harry, I can't do this right now. It's too early."

  "Okay, well, maybe we can talk a little later?" He asked hopefully.

  "I'll probably be busy," Hermione replied coldly.

  Harry's shoulders sagged.

  "I need to go," Hermione said and turned abruptly.

  "I still love you, Hermione, and I always will."

  Hermione paused in her tracks and turned to meet his gaze.

  "I never loved you, Harry, I just wanted your fame. Thanks to you, I'm the second most famous person in the Wizarding World."

  She turned and ran from the room, hot tears spilling from her eyes and streaming down her face.



Ouch! I'm not sure what is colder, the hallways of Hogwarts, or her answer.

I hope you enjoyed!

Until Next Time,


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