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It was cold in London. It was the harshest winter day in five years according to the muggle newsman that appeared on a display TV in the window of a muggle store.

Hermione walked next to James, her hands still bound together, but under two large coats, blocking the restraints from view. Her wand was in his back pocket, but there was no way to reach for it in these circumstances. She couldn't help but notice that he made every effort to avoid Diagon Alley. He wanted to keep the Wizarding World clear of this adventure, smart.

Despite his clear mental instability, she could understand why he had been sorted into Ravenclaw, he was obviously incredibly talented and highly intelligent to be able to master the spells he had. The intelligence showed in the strategic decisions he had made in keeping her in line and his head intact.

Once more, his intellect was on full display. By avoiding Diagon Alley, he kept them in the presence of muggles. This made it significantly harder to try an escape by means of magic. She truly had no idea what she was going to do.

He led her down a cramped alley, passing a homeless man who was digging in the garbage. They reached the end of the alley which opened onto a dark back road. There, across the road, was a diner. It had a few customers sitting in booths and a handful of waitresses. He led her inside and walked to the booth in the back corner.

When the waitress came, he spoke for them both, ordering two sandwiches and two glasses of water. Romantic.

He kept trying to make small talk, but she refused to speak, instead choosing to study her surroundings. He tried speaking to her for a few more moments before giving up. He stood to go to the bathroom, and time slowed. In an instant, she saw her opportunity. As he stood, she kicked his knee, pushing his knee out of socket. He collapsed onto one knee where she was able to punch him in the face, suddenly flashing back to third year punching Draco in the face.

  The other customers looked at her in alarm and confusion as she knocked her partner out in a gruesome fashion. Their waitress ran over to her, quickly grabbing a knife.

    "What are you doing?" She's asked nervously.

   "I'm very sorry, he was holding me against my will. I just need to get away from him."

   The waitress nodded worriedly. The staff quickly understood what was happening and sprang into action. 

     The cafe staff had soon tied James to a chair and called the police. While they waited, they asked her a few questions, to which she answered honestly. Despite being thankful that they had alerted the authorities, she had no intention of being here when they arrived. When no one was looking, Hermione grabbed her wand out of his back pocket and slipped out the door. She walked around the corner and apparated away, tears falling down her cheeks as she returned to France.

     She took a few moments alone on the beach to compose herself. Her parents cannot know about any of this. She snuck in the back door and crept to her room before laying down, thankful that her parents were already in bed. 

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