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Harry stared into the mirror in Sirius'/his room. Harry, Hermione, and Kreacher had been cleaning the house and had made great progress. They had cleared Sirus' and Regulas' rooms and made them their own.

He wasn't ready to face the Weasley's today, he wasn't ready to speak. He knew what he was going to say, he just didn't wish he had to. He hadn't worn formal robes in a long time, and he wished it was for a happier event. However, here he was.

Hermione tip-toed in and hugged him from behind. She was hurting too, but she knew he carried a lot more pain, grief, and guilt. He didn't need to carry it, but he did. She knew all she could do was support him.

"Come on, we're going to be late." She said, pulling him.
  "Wait," Harry pulled her back into a hug. He hugged her as if he hadn't had a hug in years. "I can't do this Hermione. I can't speak about Fred. I don't deserve to speak for Fred."
  Hermione pulled back and put her hands on his face, "Yes, you do. You are like family fo the Weasleys. Fred loved you, I promise. He saw you as another brother. You especially earned their love when you gave them your Triwizard winnings."

Harry looked inquisitively at her, "How did you know about that?"
  "Please, that was an easy mystery to figure out. Now seriously, come on."
  Hermione grabbed Harry and apparated to the small cemetery where they were holding the service and where Fred would be buried. There were many people already there, many wearing black. The Weasleys were on the front row. Hermione and Harry would sit in the row behind them.

  They approached the Weasleys and hugged each one deeply. Harry tried to say something, but each time had to stop. They sat down and waited for the minister.

  The minister finally appeared and everything went silent. He spoke for a few minutes, giving the biographical information before introducing Harry. Harry got up slowly and made his way to the podium before unfolding the sheet he had used to write down what he would say.
  "Good morning. Today is the most difficult day I've had since the end of the War. Despite the pain I've experienced during the last year, especially after my final battle with Voldemort, that pain cannot compare to the pain I feel now." He took a moment to pause and compose himself. "I'll try to be brief, and keep it together, but I consider it a great honor to speak today, and I will try to do Fred justice. I had the privilege of knowing Fred for the last 7 to 8 years. I met the Weasleys for the first time at King's Cross trying to figure out how to get to Platform 9 3/4s. There I discovered my wizarding family, as I had no family in the wizard world. Over the next few years during the summer and at School I got to know these incredible people, including Fred. Some things you need to know about Fred; he and his brother George were as thick as thieves. While they were as mischievous as thieves, Fred was one of the best men I have ever known. Fred lived life in a constant state of joy, even in the darkest and toughest of times. When Hogwarts was put in the center of a political battle and became subject to the tyranny of Umbridge, Fred along with George participated in the D.A.  and snuck joy and happiness to the students of Hogwarts before making their grand exit which will forever be enshrined in Hogwarts lore. He was able to take his talents of humor and creativity and make them into a very profitable business. Even in the face of Voldemort, Fred stepped up to the challenge, willing to fight for justice."

  At this Harry had to take a moment to stop the tide of tears that forced their way out of his eyes. There was not a dry eye, and as Harry continued, the tears grew in force.
  "What many do not know is that Percy, Ron, Hermione, and I were with Fred when he died. Fred was laughing at a joke Percy had made in the heat of battle when were hit with an explosion. Fred died with Joy in his heart and on his face. I wish we could all go out as Fred did. How I wish Fred was with us today, and that we were celebrating instead of grieving. Fred deserved more time, the world deserved more time with Fred so that he could spread his joy to all its inhabitants. But, we cannot reverse time. So, all we can hope to do is celebrate the time we were blessed to be able to spend with Fred, and try to include just a little bit of his joy in our everyday lives, the joy that he had on a constant basis."

  Harry stepped down from the podium and walked to Mr and Mrs. Weasley, hugging both. He then moved to George, giving him a handshake before being pulled into a hug by George. As this scene unfolded, the audience stood to their feet and applauded his speech and this moving display of love between Harry and the Weasleys. Ron also hugged Harry, and Ginny kissed Harry on the check. Harry returned to Hermione's side as the minister came to the front and ended the service.

  Harry, Hermione, and the Weasleys all gathered around Fred's coffin as the minister magically lowered it into the ground and returned the dirt on it. He conjured a large bouquet of roses and laid them against the headstone chosen.

  They all returned to the burrow where they had a silent toast to Fred's life.

The next day, they attended Tonks' and Lupin's funeral, where Harry once again spoke, reliving memories of being his student and one of his closest friends. This was just as hard for Harry, losing yet again another father figure.

  Hermione guided Harry home and tucked him into his bed, Harry being emotionally exhausted from the last two days.
  "I know it's really bad timing, but one of the aurors have contacted me and they think they've located my parents in Australia. I'm leaving tomorrow to try and return their memory to them. I'm sorry."
  "No, it's okay. That's great Hermione, you have to do it."
  "Are you sure?"
  "Yeah, I promise."
  "Okay, thank you for understanding. I'll come back as soon as possible."
  Harry smiled up at her as he drifted to sleep. Her absence would be harder than he expected.

Wow, I'll be honest, that chapter was a LOT harder to write than I anticipated.
Who remembers how they felt when the first read the Deathly Hallows, and Fred died? Fred was one of my favorite characters, and I almost didn't finish the book because of it.
I hope you enjoy this chapter, I'll hopefully release the next one soon.

Until Next Time,

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