The Imperius Curse

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Hermione knew she should be very alarmed at the fact that someone had just cast an Imperius curse, and yet she couldn't bring herself to care. James Rabnott came into view, and once again Hermione realized she should be terrified, but she wasn't. She felt.... fine.

James grinned wickedly, "I knew you would be here. I've been watching and learning your schedule. You come here at least three times a week, sometimes four. Tonight, everyone is outside, enjoying the weather, giving me the perfect opportunity to start my plan."

Hermione listened intently to James, hanging on to every word he spoke. She didn't know why, but it was of utmost importance that she listened to him and do whatever he ask of her.

"From the moment I saw you on the train, I knew you were the one. But you've been distracted by that idiot. So, I started coming here at night, trying to learn a way to have you. I'm close, this was just a temporary solution so I could finally see you and talk to you."

Suddenly, Hermione's mind came into focus. Something wasn't right, why was she listening to him? She tried to take a step back and fell, and his spell over her broke.

"No! I'm still not used to this spell; this is the first time I've used it on a person. You are an immensely powerful witch, but just a little more practice and I can make you my pet forever. It's fine."

Hermione looked up at James, confused and infuriated by everything he was saying. At once, the last few moments came back to her, and she understood what was happening. He attacked her! He wanted to control her; he was obsessed. She tried to stand when once again he cast his spell.

"Imperio!" He said quickly, "There we go, now, listen very closely. People will be coming soon, and I can't hold you for much longer. Nod that you understand."

Once again, Hermione was in a dream-like state, listening intently as he spoke. She nodded to clearly show her understanding and obedience.

"Good, now, in a moment, I'm going to release you from my spell. You will continue as if nothing happened here, you will tell no one what happened here, even if they ask you directly. Two weeks from today, you will return to this spot at this exact time. Nod once again that you understand."

Hermione nodded.

James smiled in acknowledgment and released his spell. He quickly slipped out of her sight and ran from the room, overjoyed at his success.

Harry followed Ginny to the corner of the Common Room. He was confused as to why she called for his attention. She turned around, looked him in the eyes, and took a quick breath before explaining.

"Harry, I know it's been a tough few years. I know that you've seen things that no one should see, and I know that you literally died and came back to life. I know all of this, and I completely understand. However, Harry, you've got to slow down. It's okay to slow down, grieve, and work through the pain."

Harry squinted in confusion, "What are you talking about?"

"Harry, the quidditch practices, the private quidditch workouts, the training with Hermione. Harry, you spend 3/4s of your day working out because it keeps you focused on that. I know what it's like to work out so that you avoid the pain. You're running yourself into the ground to avoid dwelling on the pain you've had to endure the past three years, your whole life. You're killing yourself, and you're killing your quidditch team. They can't take another week of four-hour practices."

Harry gritted his teeth, "You don't know what you're talking about Ginny. I'm working hard because I need to be ready for when I become an Auror, I need to be ready for when the next thing threatens the safety of my friends and family. I'm working the team hard so that we can be the best team and win the cup. I do not need you questioning my authority, I need you to do what I tell you to do."

Ginny grew red, her voice raising quickly, "I'm not questioning your authority, mister Head Boy. I'm looking out for my friend, even when he's being an overgrown git, and can't see what's happening by himself." Ginny turned on her heel and strode angrily out of the common room, Ron and others bewilderedly watching her leave before returning their gaze to Harry who quickly left the Common Room as well.

Hermione saw Harry angrily push his way out of the portrait hole, right after Ginny blew by her in a huff. She quickly veered toward him, cutting off his path. He looked up at his obstacle and his mood lifted slightly. She looked at him inquisitively, starting to put two and two together.

Hermione listened silently as Harry recalled Ginny's words as they walked back to the Head Boy and Head Girl Suites. She wanted to be careful not to direct his anger towards herself. When he finished, she sat quietly for a moment before carefully answering.

"You have been working extremely hard since term began. I'm not saying that is a bad thing, you're finally practicing your magic and doing your homework. You're beginning to see how powerful you can be, and I'm sure that you are working the team hard to be the best they can be just like Oliver and Angelina. However, at the same time, I think this could also be true. It's okay to admit you're not perfectly fine after the past few years. I promise you Ginny wasn't meaning anything sinister, she truly is worried about you, and you should appreciate that instead of biting her head off."

Harry hung his head, his face growing warm. Once again, Hermione was right, but this time he didn't want to admit it.
  Harry looked up, "Where have you been this evening?"
  Hermione's eyes filled with confusion for a moment before clearing, " Oh, I went to the Library. I needed to finish up some reading for class."
  Harry nodded and gently leaned against Hermione, suddenly exhausted. He soon fell asleep laying on her shoulder. She studied his face, admiring his face illuminated by the moonlight coming through the window. She slowly laid him into his bed and covered him with a blanket before quietly slipping out the door.
  Only in her dreams did Hermione remember her encounter with James Rabnott.

Well, this is awkward.
Both Hermione's situation and mine. Sorry for disappearing this spring, I'll try to do better. I've got some great chapters coming down the pipe.
Thank you all for sticking with the story this far, and hopefully farther!
Until Next Time,

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