An Ultimatum

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  The weather took a sharp turn for the worst. As they neared Christmas Break, a sudden cold front attacked the castle and surrounding areas, bringing a bitterly frigid wind and a blanket of snow a foot deep. A sense of urgency accompanied the weather. Younger students began to grow excited as the end of the term grew closer, while older students began to realize that their final year was going by faster than a Firebolt. To top it off, the teachers doled out homework and tests like candy. Even though the seventh years were already swimming in work, the teachers managed to double that amount as they raced towards the last week of term which would be a test run for the final exams.

  Despite all this, Harry was still happy. Yes, the workload was a lot, but Hermione helped him get through it. Quidditch was still going great, the team was looking better with each practice, and he was sure they would win the Quidditch Cup this year. His friendship with Ron was at its best in a long time, and he was madly in love with Hermione. Yes, there had been some tough times, and they had some fights, but he was head over heels for her, even more so than when they had begun dating.

  He had decided that during Christmas Break, he was going to make a big move. Yep, he was going to propose to Hermione. No, he had no intention of getting married in the immediate future. However, he did want to make it public and permanent that he loved this woman and had every intention of marrying her one day. This was a promise of sorts that he was completely committed to her, and Christmas was the perfect time to do it. 

  Not only that, but he had also been discreetly in contact with several people regarding the status of his parent's house in Godric's Hollow. While he did not have all of the specifics yet, and still had no idea if it was possible, he was hoping to buy the house and rebuild it for him and Hermione. The cost was not an issue given his inheritance from his parents and the massive fortune left to him by Sirius. In all honesty, he could never work a job in his life, and still live in luxury.

  The issue was ownership of the house. Officially, the Potter's did not write out a will, but they named Sirius as Harry's guardian and Godfather if anything were to happen to them. Harry had received their gold as an inheritance, which would lead him to believe he would inherit the house as well. But, after some digging, he learned that Dumbledore had claimed guardianship after Sirius had been arrested and never legally returned it to Sirius. After some more research, and a few letters to the Ministry, Harry learned that the Potter's Cottage had become Ministry property and set us as a memorial for the fall of Voldemort and the lives lost in the First Wizarding War.

  Harry hoped to have this all sorted out by the time he proposed and was currently writing a letter to Kingsley Shacklebolt, Minister of Magic to see if he couldn't buy back the house. He finished his letter and ran to the Owlery to send his letter.

Hermione entered the library as quietly as possible. The room was full of seventh years busy cramming for the mid-year exams planned for next week. She herself was feeling confident in her knowledge but had other questions. She was trying to prepare for life outside of Hogwarts and what she wanted to do. She had assumed for many years that she would help fight Voldemort through the ministry, but now that he was no longer a threat, she needed a new purpose. Her main attraction was the Ministry, but now with a different purpose. Hermione still felt as if there were many issues within the wizarding community, including divides with other magical creatures and other wizards. The British wizarding community had been at odds with the other areas of the world for many years, especially after the events of the Tri Wizard Tournament and the second Wizarding War.

  Hermione felt that she could start by helping other magical races and their rights such as house elves before moving on to diplomatic options, and hopefully, eventually, the Minister of Magic position. Because of this, she was going into the restricted section to see what books were available on the history of the other wizarding communities. However, before she could reach the shelf she was looking for, she felt an odd sensation, as if someone were watching her. She looked around the room, before finding a Ravenclaw boy staring at her from the corner of the room. He looked oddly familiar, what was his name? James.

  Hermione's head exploded in pain as memories began to flood back, the two previous meetings. Somehow, seeing him in the same room outside of the imperious curse had awoken the memories he had ordered to stay hidden. Terror filled her mind as she understood and remembered all at once everything that had been going on. As her eyes opened and her vision returned, she turned on her heel and began walking quickly from the room.

  Hermione rushed out the door and began running towards the staircase. She needed to get to the Headmistress' office, and now. This young boy was becoming extremely dangerous. She reached the stairs and began climbing them two at a time. She was halfway up the stairs when the staircase began to tremble and move. She watched as every set of stairs shifted and changed direction, as they did occasionally.

  Hermione yelled in frustration and began searching for a way to the seventh floor. She turned a corner and found herself in a dark and deserted corridor. She began sprinting but was hit from behind by a spell that knocked her flying to the ground. Her wand flew from her hand and clattered a few feet from her. 

  She looked up to find James standing over her, his wand pointed straight at her.
"It would appear my spell is wearing off. I guess I still haven't reached its full potential yet. It's okay, I was hoping to accelerate my time table anyways."
"Get away from me, or I will tell the headmistress, I'll tell Harry, he will rip you limb from limb." Hermione cried out, tears running down her face.
"Oh, no, you won't dear. See, I think you could take me casting the cruciatus curse on you three times before you went crazy, but I don't think he could take it more than once. He won't touch me if I have control over you and your pain.
Now, here's what's gonna happen, you are going to go to him within the next two days, and you are going to tell him that you don't love him anymore, that you thought you did, but now that you aren't under the threat of Voldemort anymore, you can see clearly. You're gonna break up with him. If not, I will kill him, and let you watch. Do you understand?"
Hermione shook her head, sobbing, "Please don't do this, please don't make me do this."
"Shut up! Do you understand, I will murder your boyfriend right in front of you and then make you wish to die if you say a word of this! You have two days."
When Hermione's looked up again, he was gone.

Many have asked for an update, and here it is!
Originally, this chapter was longer, but who doesn't love a good cliffhanger?
Be on the lookout, I may post a bonus chapter in the coming days to try and get things moving again!
If you have any thoughts or ideas, please comment or private message me, it's always great to see a response from readers.
Until Next Time,

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