Chapter 4: Math

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~To The Story~

It's been almost two weeks since Karma last saw you. The last time he hung out with you was when Nagisa invited Sugino that one day, and that was it. Nagisa will occasionally bring you up in school, but other than that Karma seems to keep you in the far back of his mind.

Until today.

After school, Karma was gonna go head to the book store to buy a comic book then head straight home. There wasn't anything on his agenda after school. Nagisa had sign language classes, and Sugino had baseball practice, so there wasn't anyone to hang out with today.

When the redhead arrived at the book store, that's when he spotted you. Walking past the bookshelves, he halted his tracks when he saw your back, sitting on a chair.

'(Y/n)-san?' Karma wondered if it's you. Wanting to answer his question, he casually walked up from behind you, as he got closer he notices your notebook on the desk, confirming that it was you. What also caught his eyes was when he saw a textbook near you and your graded assignment peeking out in between the pages of the book.

Once he was behind you, he stopped and eyed the paper. He saw that you haven't noticed him and kept on reading some kind of novel.

Karma being a little nosy, swiftly took your paper from the textbook. You twitched your body when you saw someone's arm grabbing your paper. You snapped your head around to the person and saw that Karma had your paper.

"You seriously got these questions wrong?" Karma had a mocking grin.

You were embarrassed that Karma saw your failed homework. Angrily you took back your paper, sending him a glare.

"Hey don't give me that look, it's you're fault for leaving it out for people to easily read it." He grinned, revealing those canine teeth that oddly suited him.

You knew he said something but you chose not to understand what he said. Glaring at him for a second longer you turned back to your book.

Karma slumped his shoulders. If you were going to ignore him then there was no point in him being here to annoy you.

"Well, see yah," He says despite him knowing you can't hear him. 'This would have been a lot more fun if she can hear me.' Karma thought to himself as he turned around to walk off. But before Karma could take a step forward, he suddenly felt you cuffing his wrist. He turned back to you. "Hm? What's up?"

With hesitation written on your face, you pointed at the empty chair next to you, telling him to sit down.

'Does she want my company or something?'

Regardless, Karma decided to oblige and took a seat next to you. During that, you were already writing something down on an empty page of your journal. Finishing after some time, you slid the notebook to him.

'Could you help me? Since you were being a little snoopy and saw that I'm not doing so well in math, so I could use some help. Nagisa told me a couple of days ago that you're pretty good.'

Karma furrowed his eyebrows. 'Pretty good?' He thought those words were a bit of an understatement. After reading it, Karma's eyes wandered to the side, "Uhh...."

Karma wasn't much of a tutor, he'll admit that learning is easy for him, but teaching it to someone else is a different story. He could do it if he tried, but he knew he was gonna have to put in extra work since of your hearing disability. He still doesn't know any sign language, so he knew he's gonna have to use writing to get through to you which to him sounds like a hassle.

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