Chapter 7: Wordless

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~To The Story~

"...y...z... Ah! I did it!" Karma heard Kayano's cheer from the other side of the classroom.

Sneaking a peak, the redhead saw Kayano talking to Okuda and Kanzaki; showing them some sign language that she learned from Nagisa. He noted how she's been doing that routine for the past few days now since meeting you.

"Hey, Nagisa," Sugino's voice made Karma forget about what Kayano was doing and focus his attention on the two boys near him. "Do you plan on hanging out with (y/n) today?"

"Yeah, right after I get out of sign language class," Nagisa replied, as Karma just quietly drank the strawberry milk that he obtained from a vending machine, not making an effort into partaking in the conversation. "She normally waits for me at the bookstore."

"I keep her company, but I promised my little brother that I take him out after school," said Sugino with a wholehearted smile.

"I'm sure she wouldn't mind waiting by herself," Nagisa stated, shrugging.

'He's not going to ask me to keep her company?' Karma wondered, his eyes not really focusing on anything in particular.

However, Karma spoke too soon.

"Although, she wouldn't mind company. Karma-kun, do you plan on hanging out with (y/n) today?"

As a response to Nagisa's question, Karma lazily shrugged. "If I feel like it."

"Alright," Nagisa simply accepted Karma's reply. "Though she doesn't mind spending time with you."

"Hm," Karma hummed as he heard Kayano in the background, teaching Kanzaki the alphabet in sign language now.

Karma didn't understand why he was doing this.

Currently, the boy was on his way to the bookstore, the same bookstore where Nagisa said where you'll be.

He tells himself that he's simply going to the bookstore to buy some manga, but he knew, at the back of his mind that it was just an excuse to see you. Why did he want to see you? Honestly, he didn't know. Did he find you interesting? It interests him how even though you didn't talk, there was something about your personality that spoke a lot.

He can also take into account that he's simply bored and just feels like hanging out with someone. Well, whatever the case may be, he found himself already in front of the bookstore. He might as well go inside.

Karma entered the quiet bookstore. What immediately caught his attention was that you weren't seen anywhere. It isn't a huge bookstore, so surely he'll be able to get your attention if he were to spot you. Karma stepped further into the store, seeing if his eyes can catch you.

With another scan around the bookstore, he still couldn't find you. He even checks around the bookshelves to see if you were behind one of them, but still, there was no sign of you anywhere.

"Huh..." Karma furrowed his eyebrows before shaking his head. No point in feeling disappointed. You weren't here, that's that. It's not like he made plans to see you, nor was it something like you stood him up. He assumed that you got held back in school or something, or maybe you and Nagisa had decided to meet somewhere else.

Taking one last glance to confirm that you weren't around, Karma left the bookstore.

That was a waste of time.

Karma absentmindedly walked down the streets, wanting to head home now. It was disappointing that he wasted his time into seeing you, only for you not to be there, but Karma knew he'll get over it, besides, he knew he'll see you again pretty soon considering you are Nagisa's friend.

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