Chapter 16: Trust

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~To The Story~

Nagisa looked at the person in the mirror from head to toe. He could barely recognize the person with the frilly pink dress and pretty hair clips even though he was staring at himself. He didn't like what he was wearing and found it off-putting. His mother would argue and call him 'pretty' and 'beautiful' even. He would internally deny it, however.

No matter how many people often tell him how much of a girl he looked like with or without the girly clothing, he would always remind himself that they're wrong and that he's a boy so that he doesn't fall into a neurotic state. Whenever someone does comment on his appearance, he tries his best to ignore them as best as he can.

But he can handle Karma's teasing and never takes it to heart of what he says. He knows he means well and he's only making those comments because he likes to get a reaction out of him.

As tempted as he was to rip the hair clips out of his blue locks as well as the dress he restrains himself knowing his mom would throw a fit if he were to mess up any of the accessories and dress. His mom spent a lot of money on these girly things for him.

He was quick, but careful when he was taking off the dress and clips. Bless his dad for being the one to buy him male clothing. Nagisa didn't know what he'll do if he didn't have his dad around. Especially when he was a child where at one point was convinced that he was a girl.

He felt like he could breathe again and felt less humiliated when he put the dress back and closed the closet.

With his mom out of the apartment, Nagisa's metaphorical chain has loosened and felt less restrained. He made his way to his room. Once shutting the door, the first thing his eyes caught was his phone, lying on his bed.

That's when he remembers that around this time is when you send an e-mail to him. With a small bit of anticipation lighting up inside of him, Nagisa walked over to his bed and sat down, all while picking up his phone. After a few taps on his phone, he opened up his e-mail, and sure enough, there he saw your name in this inbox.

Nagisa! Sorry I didn't send you an e-mail last week. I had a math test that week. No, I didn't fail. You're mean for thinking so! Okay, yeah, I almost failed. But let's not talk about that. Thanks for the washi tapes and stickers you sent me for my journal! They're super cute! I'll be sure to use them. I'll be sending you a gift as well. Would you like some more tea bags? My mom and I recently bought some from a small shop. The old lady who runs the shop is super nice and gave me extra because she thought I was cute 🥰🥰

How are you? How is school? I hope you're doing better than me. How's the concert club? Are you able to get any guys to join you? If not, I just hope you're having fun regardless. Didn't you tell me you made a new friend? He better treat you well or I'll kill him 😡

Whoops! That's all the time I have left! Sorry! My next e-mail will be much, much longer. I promise. Here, I took this cute photo of myself today. You can have it 💖💖

[Insert photo of you]

Nagisa could feel his day brighten up just by reading your e-mail. No matter how long or short they are, he would always enjoy reading them. He always found a sense of comfort in them. It's been years since he last saw you, but the two of you managed to keep in touch through emails and texting and sometimes even just using some good ol' fashion snail mail.

Receiving any one of these messages always puts a smile on his face. He loves coming home, opening up his e-mail and finding your name in his inbox. It's the best part of his day. He gets to ignore all the trouble around him because of you.

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