Chapter 18: Warmth

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~To The Story~

You couldn't contain your excitement. Today is the day for your first-ever date with Karma. For the entire day at school, you kept glancing at the clock, counting down the hours until you can leave. You could have texted Karma to keep you entertained, but you didn't want to come across as clingy so you had to control your urge. Though, he did text you good morning earlier today.

When school was over, you went straight home to get ready. It wasn't until you got home that the realization came that you didn't know what to wear. Lucky for you, Karma informed you to dress warmly.

It turns out, the reason why Karma texted you to dress warmly was that he was going to take you to an indoor skating rink. It's been a couple of years since you last went ice skating so you may end up falling a few times. Though that didn't cross your mind because you were too busy fantasizing about your date with Karma.

Skating in a rink sounds like the perfect idea for a first date. The summer heat has been killing you after all.

The two of you met up outside of the rink and walked in together. You immediately felt the cold air taking over when you guys walked inside. Renting the skates and strapping them on, you and your date headed towards the rink.

You still haven't stepped into the rink yet, in the fear that you would fall. Karma, who was already in the rink, held your hands, patiently waiting for you to enter with him.

"It's okay, I got you." Karma lazily laughed at you.

You were blushing from embarrassment but also out of shyness from the fact that you were so close to Karma's frame. You shut your eyes for a moment and muster up the courage and take a step towards the rink.

Your eyes flew open when you manage to get in. The temperature fell some more and you were able to see your white wispy breath. Karma still held you when he felt like you were going to slip. When you finally found somewhat of a balance, he let go and the two of you began to skate side by side.

You tried your best to not make a complete fool of yourself in front of the guy you like.

Karma on the other hand doesn't believe you're making a fool of yourself. You were just too cute for him to think that way. He saw how you were keeping your eyes on your skates, with your hands slightly lifted to keep you stable.

Copying Karma's movements, your balance has improved slightly. That is until it was time to turn. If you were to keep going straight then things would go relatively smooth but once you had to shift directions, you almost slipped onto the ice but caught onto the boards, however, your forehead slammed against the glass.

You whined under your breath, trying to rub the pain away.

"A-are you okay?" Karma tried his best not to laugh.

You irked, noticing he wants to laugh. Seeing you mad made his sense for laughing die down a bit. He then gently rubbed your forehead in an attempt to make you feel better. Karma's touch made you hold still even with these skates.

You blushed and averted your eyes away from his. The pain was beginning to fade away.

Then you signed a "thanks," smiling shyly at him.

Karma grinned. "You wanna hold hands?"

You saw Karma offering you a hand. Your heart did a few flips and you looked at him, making sure you weren't just imagining things. He just had that simple innocent smile on him.

Blushing, you took his hand and yours and his finger intertwined with yours. You were wearing gloves so you couldn't feel the skin of his hand. You don't know why he wasn't wearing gloves. To you, he seemed to be the kind of guy who could walk into a snowy day with just a simple coat and never complain of the cold.

How We Communicate | Karma X Deaf!ReaderHikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin