Chapter 25: Communication

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~To The Story~

It's been several months since you left Tokyo.

And it's been several months since you have last spoken to Karma. The separation has been rough but you tried to keep yourself busy. You're enjoying your new home, new neighbourhood and new school. They were all great distractions. Though, it wasn't enough to get you to stop thinking about Karma altogether.

Some days, you think about reaching out to him. Only, you knew you couldn't. Not after what you said. You hurt him.

The face he gave you that day tears you apart whenever you think about it.

You fought the urge to look away after the bombshell you dumbed on him. You had to keep giving him the cold look just to get the point across. If he's not going to forgive Nagisa, then you can't be with him.

"What?" He said after a short period of stunned silence.

Time felt like it froze for the two of you. If the colour of the sky were to change, neither of the two of you would notice.

You were waiting for him to convince you not to break things off or be downright angry at you. But none of that happened. Because, judging by the look in his golden eyes, you got the feeling that one of those two options would happen.

But, he held it together. It's for the best. If he did either of those, you probably would have changed your mind.

Instead, he just exhales loudly and closes his eyes, as if it was an attempt to hide all the emotions he was feeling right now.

His fingers ran through his bangs and gripped the locks.

"I knew it," he mumbled to himself.

You weren't sure what he said, but the look on your face was enough to fill your heart with guilt. You almost cried right there and it was a miracle that you didn't. What made the feeling worse was when a dark speck crossed your mind. You were tempted to take back everything and just tell Nagisa to suck it up. Meaning you'd be disregarding his feelings.

It made you despise yourself for even having such a thought.

Every time you remember the look on his face, you wondered if you made the right call. Maybe you could have made things work. But, how can you when Karma and Nagisa have such a feud between them?

When you find yourself missing the redhead, you would often re-read old text messages and or read those small dumb notes and doodles he used to leave in your journal whenever he gave you a bunch of math questions to work on. You went back to check out old pictures the two of you took together.

And while waiting for your new tutor to arrive, you went through your phone to look at those pictures.

In the quiet library at your new school, you were going through the pictures you took of Karma.

While looking through your photos, a girl from your grade was approaching you. She planned to sit right next to you, but when she saw what you were doing, she paused to take a peek over your shoulder.

"Oh." She said, then tapped your shoulder from behind. You flinched and turned around. "Is that your boyfriend?" She signs to you. She was pointing at the picture of the two of you at Shibuya. In the picture, Karma had his arm around you in a way that many would assume he was your boyfriend.

Heartbreak flashed through your eyes at her question.

You turned off your phone and settled it down on the table and shook your head, hiding your pain. Never sensing your distress, she merely brushes it off and takes a seat next to you.

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