Chapter 23: Snap

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~To The Story~

Everyone attending the summer festival was enjoying themselves.

The food was great. The games kept everyone entertained enough and the people were lively as well. Nagisa, however, felt like he couldn't match everyone else's energy.

He tried. He really did but...

Nagisa glances over and sees you and Karma a few stalls down. Karma was sharing his food with you and even going as far as to feed you. You were smiling, happy and in love. He didn't know if the two of you were dating but he's expecting to hear it sometime soon.

Nagisa looks away and sighs.

The only alone time he had with you was when the two of you were walking here towards the festival. He can tell quickly that you were looking for Karma in the crowd when the two of you arrived. When you did find him, Nagisa was the one to encourage you to go and be with Karma.

Of course, you denied his offer but he persisted, letting you know that he doesn't mind. Even if he secretly did. Then Karma came by and practically dragged you away. And for a moment there, Nagisa felt a sense of anger in Karma. Which he didn't get why. It's your last night here. He wants to spend as much time with you before you leave. Plus, Nagisa asked you first. Karma didn't have any right to be mad at him.

Luckily, you were oblivious to Karma's anger and just smiled and waved at Nagisa and told him that you'll be back soon as he watched you leave with the redhead.

At least he wasn't left completely alone. Kayano and Okuda came by shortly after that and kept him company.

"Nagisa, you alright there?" Okuda asked, picking up on the boy's odd quietness.

"Huh?" Nagisa snapped out of it. "Oh, yeah. Sorry, I just spaced out there."

"You've been such a space cadet lately." Kayano points out then chuckles.

Nagisa chuckled along with her, wanting to put on the act that everything is fine when he wasn't.

In the meantime, you weren't aware of what Nagisa was feeling. You were too busy having a good time with Karma.

Just like the last date, he's been very sweet and gentle towards you. Of course, there was still a bit of teasing on his end but, it's Karma. Don't be with Karma if you can't handle his teasing.

But even when he's being a tease or not you were still having fun.


You gratefully smiled and accepted the cup that was filled with shaved ice cream. Leaving the stall, you and the redhead found a free bench to sit on to enjoy the cold treat.

You enjoyed the appearance of the treat before digging in, careful not to eat a big scoop to avoid getting a brain freeze. It was cold but the fruity flavours you picked were delicious and you wanted to share.

You nudged Karma's arm and lifted your spoon, signalling him to try some which prompted his heart to bounce.

He'd always thought it was embarrassing when couples do this. Like, if he wanted to try yours he would have stolen it by now. But, since you're offering him, so cutely, in fact, he couldn't say no. And what made your appearance ten times more adorable was the yukata you had on.

Thus, he opened his mouth and let you plop the treat in his mouth.

You smiled earnestly and Karma just glances off to the side, the tips of his ears turning red.

"Let me try yours."

Because of how hard it is to read Karma, you didn't pick up on the idea stirring in that devilish brain of his.

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