The Date

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  I got in my black Lexus and began the drive to Port Angeles to meet Riley at the movie theater. This would be my first ever date, and I was nervous. I was never asked on dates in 1918, but all the girls in our city would always pine for Edward to ask them out. I was grateful that things were different now.

  Riley was going to take me to a horror movie, and it was unlike anything I've seen before, because I recall seeing one of the first horror movies ever made, and what we were seeing was nothing compared to what I saw.

   The movie was a zombie apocalypse and the film was done using odd effects. I had seen technology advance over the years, but this movie wasn't using it to its benefit.

"How are you not scared?" Riley whispered while the movie was still going on. I grinned mischievously, "I've seen scarier things in my life,"
   "Scarier than a horde of zombies?" he raised an eyebrow. "Yes, you could say that," I still kept up my little joke I was playing on him. "I don't wanna know," he made a show of being scared and I couldn't help but laugh. Riley was so funny and adorable.

   When the film produced a jump-scare, everyone else in the theater jumped except for me and a few others. I had to giggle, "It's not like an undead corpse is going to attack you." I suddenly realized what I just said; I basically was an undead corpse, but I didn't technically die. My human form died but now I was in this frozen, un-aging, blood thirsty form for the rest of time. "You're right," Riley smiled and put his arm around me. If I were still human I am certain my heart would have been beating fast, and since I no longer had one; my mind anticipated the feeling.

         "Because we can take them down together," I somehow found the courage to flirt with him. "I feel safe now," he flirted back. Flirting was fun, and I felt powerful doing that. I was even more courageous when I reached up for his hand and held it, and he laced his fingers with mine. "Your hands are so cold," he observed. Crap, my cold skin would be a dead giveaway, I had to come up with an excuse and fast! "I have bad circulation," I explained. "Ah," he accepted my explanation.

   For the rest of the movie, he kept his arm around me and I laid my head on his shoulder. I normally wouldn't be this bold, but with Riley it felt right. I do realize that sounds predictable, and like something you would see in a romantic comedy movie, but Riley made me feel something that I hadn't felt in a long time; and that was the feeling of being human.

   "Well, the critics were right. That was the worst zombie movie in history," Riley told me as we walked out of the theater holding hands. I laughed, "I would agree, but it's now one of my favorites," "Why?" he asked confused. "Because I got to spend time with you," I flirted and made a show of batting my eyes. "In that case, it's now my favorite too," he smiled his adorable smile. I was elated we finally got to spend time together, and I didn't care what my siblings had to say about that.

  The two of us began the walk back to my car in silent, but it wasn't awkward silence; it was blissful and comforting silence.

   "Lilly, I hope you had a nice time," Riley interrupted the silence. "Thank you, I had a wonderful time with you," I smiled sincerely. His skin flushed red, and I knew that he was blushing. It was that which caused me to smell his blood, but I held my breath to calm my thirst. My plan was working for a while, but suddenly Riley noticed that I was holding my breath. "Are you okay?"
My gaze shifted back to him.
"Oh, yes. I was holding my breath because we passed someone who was smoking and I strongly detest the smell of cigarettes," which was the truth, and I was grateful the odds were in my favor so I didn't blow my cover. "It can be unpleasant," he agreed. I held his hand as if he was saving me from drowning, but I wasn't drowning in water; I was struggling to not drown in my thirst.

   I decided to change the subject, and realized the spring dance was coming up and it was a girl's choice dance, and I decided to take the chance and ask him out. "Um, Riley. If this isn't too forward of a question; I was wondering if you would be my date to the spring dance?" I asked nervously. I had never asked a boy out before and I had never been to a dance before; this was all so new for me.

  He smiled excitedly, "I would be honored to go to the dance with you!" he was acting as if he won the lottery. "I get to go to the dance with the most beautiful girl at Forks High!"

  Riley's enthusiasm was adorable, and I couldn't help but kiss him on the cheek. I certainly hoped that it wasn't too bold of a move. "You never cease to amaze me," he kissed me on the cheek as well.

  "We hardly know each other," I reminded him. I didn't want to pursue anything further if it was going to end in heartbreak. "That's one of the reasons why I asked you out, so I can get to know you." he didn't let go of my hand.
   "I have always been interested in you, and it's nice to see you breaking out of your shell; so I am able to see how great you are," his brown eyes were full of sincerity and I knew that every word he told me was the truth. I could sense if he was being honest with me; that's what made my ability so similar to my brothers', we both could read minds in different ways, and I had hypnosis.

"No one has ever said anything like that to me before," I didn't know what love felt like or if it was alright to fall in love this fast. Our eyes locked in contact and he touched my face.

  Riley leaned in for a kiss, and I didn't know what to do. I hadn't experienced that before, but I wanted to kiss him too. I let his lips meet with mine and soon I was having my first kiss. His lips were soft against mine, and I was softly kissing him back.

  We stopped kissing and looked at each other romantically. This was exciting and new for both of us. "Whoa," we both said at the same time. "I don't know what this is yet, but I'm excited about it," I stammered. "So am I," he replied caressing my face. "Do you think we're moving too fast?" I asked curiously. "Not really, do you?" "No, funnily enough, the moment felt right," I held his hands. "Isn't it funny how we both thought of the same thing?" Riley asked with a glowing face. "I think it's perfect," I smiled and gave him a quick peck on the lips. "Then it's settled," he flirted.

  After a while we finally reached my car, I fished for my keys out of my purse and unlocked the vehicle. Riley stared at it in awe, "Your car is really nice, how were you able to get it?" "Carlisle is a doctor, he got all of us cars as first day of school presents," I replied modestly. "That's awesome!" he exclaimed. I giggled, "Thank you for a wonderful evening, I had a pleasant time with you," "My pleasure, I had a wonderful time with you too."

We shared another kiss, and it was just as sweet and innocent. I was new to the concept of romance, and I really liked it! "I'll see you at school tomorrow," I told him with a smile. "I can't wait," he flirted while kissing me on the cheek.

  Riley opened my car door for me like a gentleman, and gave me one last kiss before I began my drive home. I felt like a whole new person after that night; and like I said, I felt human.

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