Later that night

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    It was about one in the morning when I got back to my house. I unlocked the door and walked inside, and all the lights were off. The others were probably hunting, but since I went off on my own earlier that day I didn't feel thirsty.
  One of the best parts of being a vampire was that we never got tired; we didn't need to sleep.
I sat down in the living room and read one of the books I was borrowing from Carlisle's library to pass the time. I was still glowing with excitement from how well my date went.
  Riley made me feel beautiful and not like the monster I felt like sometimes. We were moving kind of fast, but it felt right to us.

   I was still worried about my brother, because he had never acted like this before; besides when he left for a while because of his resentment towards Carlisle. It was when we were first transformed.

   Ever since the deaths of our parents, I developed separation anxiety from people who were close to me. I didn't want to think of the worst case scenario, but it somehow always managed to work its way into my mind.
I was grateful to Carlisle for saving me and Edward, and bringing us into a new family. I appreciated Carlisle teaching us what he's learned all these years about not drinking blood from humans; it had helped greatly.
   Esme eased my worries about the most mundane things like any other mother, but I'm grateful she was my new mother figure who stepped into the role so well.
  Having the two of them as new parents filled the void of losing my birth parents.

   I put my book down and laid down on the couch processing everything that happened. I had gone out with the guy I've had a crush on since freshman year; it felt out of this world!
  "Lilly?" Rosalie said. I sat up and saw that she had been standing there for a while. "Yes, Rose?" I asked formally. I wanted to find common ground with my sister.
  "I just wanted to apologize for the way I've been treating you lately, it's not fair to you." Rosalie sat down next to me. "I know how cruel men can be, and I would hate to see any one of them hurt you or make you feel bad about yourself," she was sad.
I was puzzled, "Rosalie, why didn't you tell me? I would have understood." "I know, it's just-I don't know," she was so sad. "I wished for a sister who would have protected me from the dangers of the world, and that's why I'm protective of you; you're the youngest." her favorite thing was to remind me of how young and vulnerable I was, just like the rest of the family would.
"I know, but I can take care of myself. I know you have my best interest, but I want to be a somewhat normal teenager for once. I know how to blend in," I told my sister. "I know I have the family who wants to protect me, because we protect each other all the time." I didn't know where all this wisdom was coming from.
"My little sis and her wisdom," Rosalie grinned amused. I laughed, "Technically I'm older, but you were eighteen when you were turned so I guess in human years you're older," "You're right," she laughed.
"So, how did your date go?" she asked curiously. "It was wonderful, he took me to a movie and then we went for a stroll." I smiled warmly, "And he kissed me!"
"Lil, that's wonderful!" she grinned. "Yeah! He's amazing, Rose. I really like him," I found myself opening up to her. "I'm happy for you, Lilly, I really am," she smiled proudly. "Thank you, I'm glad we're okay," I hugged my sister. "Me too," she hugged me back.

I was grateful things between me and Rosalie got better. Now the next challenge was to patch things up with me and Edward.

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