The Baby

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A few days have passed since Edward and Bella left on their honeymoon, so things were pretty quiet around here. Riley and I were spending more time together now that we weren't so busy.

However, the quietness wouldn't last long...

Carlisle received a phone call from Bella with the most alarming news; she was pregnant. It was virtually impossible, and since the baby would be a vampire, it would kill Bella from the inside out. She wouldn't have much time.

The couple came back to the house a few hours later. Edward carried his wife in his arms with a concerned expression. Bella looked paler than all of us combined. Her eyes and cheeks were sunken, and her stomach became a baby bump. Any ordinary woman would have been seven months pregnant, but in Bella's case, she had been pregnant less than forty-eight hours.
I had a degree in medicine from one of my many times at Harvard Medical School, so I was able to assist Carlisle in treating Bella. She was getting worse as the days went by.
I administered an ultrasound of the baby while Carlisle looked at the monitor next to the examination bed. I could barely get a reading from the ultrasound. "It won't go through, her skin is hard as a rock," I told him. "I'm noticing that here on the monitor," my adoptive father told me. "The only thing I can get is the child's heart rate, but it's off the charts."

"I've never seen anything like this before," Carlisle muttered, his brow furrowed in concern. He continued to study the monitor, his expression deepening into a frown. Carlisle and I exchanged worried glances as we realized the gravity of Bella's condition.

The situation was dire, and we knew that time was running out. Edward stepped forward, his eyes searching our faces for any sign of hope. "What's happening? What's wrong with Bella?"

Carlisle looked at my brother with a grim expression. "Edward, Bella's condition is unprecedented. Her body is reacting in ways we've never seen before," he explained, his voice tinged with worry.

"It's as though her body is rejecting the pregnancy, but it's also fighting to protect the baby," Carlisle added, his tone heavy with concern.

Bella lay on the examination table, her skin ghostly pale with beads of sweat forming on her forehead. As the tension in the room grew, if I had a pulse, it would have been racing.

Suddenly, Bella let out a sharp gasp, her hand flying to her abdomen as a pained expression crossed her face. "Carlisle, do something! " Edward's voice was filled with desperation as he watched Bella's pained expression.
Carlisle quickly assessed Bella's condition, his brow furrowed in intense concentration.
He reached for his medical bag, swiftly pulling out the necessary equipment.
"Where does it hurt?" I asked Bella, attempting to help her stay alert. Bella winced, her breath coming in short, ragged gasps as she fought to control the pain. "My... side."
I gently felt where she was pointing and I found the baby had broken two of her ribs.

I looked at Carlisle and then at Edward, "The baby is growing at a rapid rate, in fact, it's growing so fast it has broken two of her ribs."

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