The Volturi

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    I put on a black fedora, sunglasses, and a red jacket over my current outfit to blend in with the crowd; I had to be careful, because I was among the humans and I didn't want to accidentally reveal myself to any of them, their holiday was literally celebrating the killing of vampires.
Bella was running through the crowd of people to find my brother, and she was terrified. I lightly ran through the crowd as well to blend in, because if anyone saw me run, then things would get catastrophic.
I didn't know where Alice was, I was alone. I used my senses to make my way through the crowd and then I could hear Edward's thoughts. Bella saw him too, and she looked at him from behind the fountain separating the two of them. Edward unbuttoned his dark blue shirt and stepped forward into the sunlight...

I watched Bella sprint through the fountain and she ran to him, and threw her arms around him. He lazily put his arms around her, and Bella got him inside the building he came out of to get him out of the sun.

I breathed a sigh of relief, my brother was safe, but then I remembered we were in the Volturi territory. I lightly ran to the entrance of the building and was face to face with Edward, and it had been six whole months since I had last seen him. He looked at me with sadness and guilt, "Lilly." "Edward." I ran to him and hugged him. He hugged me back like it was the last time, "I'm so sorry." the guilt he was feeling was palpable, and it was breaking my heart. "I'm just grateful you're alive!" I gave him another hug before he went to Bella and put his arm around her.

  Two figures walked forward, and I recognized them as the Volturi; they were pictured in the painting we had in our house. The men were Demetri and Felix, and the youngest one was a girl named Jane. After Alice caught up to us, we were to be escorted by the three vampires to be taken to the rest of the Volturi.

"Gentlemen, I'm afraid your services are no longer required." Edward told the vampires. "What a shame, Aro sent us because he wanted to speak to you again," said Felix.
"That's fine. Bella, Lilly, why don't you go enjoy the rest of the festival." Edward told us protectively. "The girl comes too," said Dimitri. "No, you can go to hell." Edward snapped.
"Come on guys, it's a festival. You wouldn't want to make a scene." Alice walked through the doors, taking off her scarf and sunglasses.

  We walked through the giant iron doors, and the three vampires Aro, Caius, and Marcus were waiting for us, along with Jane's twin brother Alec.

Aro stepped forward excitedly like we were old friends, "What a happy surprise... Bella is alive after all. Isn't that wonderful? I just love a happy ending... they are so rare." he took Edward's hand to read his thoughts, and his crimson red eyes widened with excitement, "La tua cantante. Her blood appeals to you so much... it makes me thirsty. How can you stand to be so close to her?" "It's not without difficulty," Edward replied. "Yes, I can see that." Aro grinned.

  "Aro can read every thought I ever had, with one touch," he explained to Bella. He freed his hand from the vampire's grip, "And now you know everything. So get on with it," he stood stoic. "You're quite a soul reader yourself Edward," he then looked at me, "As well as your dear sister." he approached me and took my hand, and he grinned madly, "You're in love with a human as well; a young man named Riley. You fear separation, and his safety. It would do you good to make him immortal." he patted my hand, "Vulnerability will be the cause of your downfall, Lilly." I was getting scared, and I was afraid of what he had found in my mind.  "Leave her alone Aro!" Edward shouted. He just smiled, "You are quite the protector, Edward. But you cannot read Bella's thoughts."

  I knew what he was planning before he said it, he was going to attempt to see if Bella was immune to all of their powers.  "Shall we Jane?" Aro invited the girl. She looked in Bella's direction and smiled, "Pain," but Edward sprang in front of her and suddenly he was under Jane's power. He was wincing in pain, and then he doubled over on the ground! "NO!" I screamed, and suddenly Bella was in hysterics. "Stop! Stop, please! Just stop hurting him, please! Please!" she begged.

"Jane," Aro motioned for her to stop and luckily she listened.  "Master?" she acknowledged. "Go ahead my dear," he wanted her to use her power again, and this time without any interruptions. She smiled in Bella's direction, and attempted to use her power. Bella glared at her coldly, and she was not affected in anyway. Aro laughed like a madman in glee, "Remarkable! She confounds us all." he studied Bella, "So, what do we do with you now?" "You already know what you're going to do, Aro." Marcus told him. "She knows too much, she's a liability." The blonde haired vampire named Caius reminded him with an angry expression. "That's true. Felix?" Aro motioned for the taller, gruff looking vampire.

  He sauntered after Bella, but Edward pulled her behind him and pushed Felix away. This only angered him and he shoved Edward into the wall, and suddenly he grabbed him by the neck and threw him to the floor, the side of my brother's face began to crack, but luckily it healed in time. To buy Edward some time, I ran towards Felix and attempted an attack. I jumped on his shoulders and grabbed his neck. Edward was able to get up, but I was thrown into the wall by Felix, creating an indent in the wall. It was that time where I was grateful I couldn't feel pain. Alice was about to attack, but Demetri held her captive.

  Suddenly, Felix was about to rip Edward's head off! "EDWARD!" I screamed in agony, I couldn't move because Alec held me captive against the wall. "Please! No, no! Please! Please!" Bella yelled. Thankfully, Felix stopped, but he held Edward captive. "Kill me...kill me. Not him." she begged.

Aro stared at her like he couldn't believe what he just heard, "How extraordinary. You would give up your life for someone like us. A vampire. A soulless monster." "You don't know a thing about his soul." Bella glared. "Bella get away from him." Edward warned. "Forse è uno o l'altro. Ah, this is a sadness. If only it were your intention to give her immortality." Aro was about to go in for the kill when Alice stopped him, "Wait! Bella will be one of us, I've seen it. I'll change her myself."

Demetri released Alice, and Aro took her hand to see her vision, and his red eyes were full of wonder, "Mesmerizing. To see what you have seen, before it has happened." he turned to Bella. "Your gifts will make for an intriguing immortal...Isabella. Go now, and make your preparations." "Let us be done with this. Heidi will arrive at any moment. Thank you for your visit," Marcus said in a sad tone.

"We'll return the favor: I would advise that you follow through on your promise soon, we do not offer second chances," Caius advised.

  Edward held Bella as we walked out of the throne room, and Alice and I followed behind. "Goodbye my young friends," Aro called to us as we left. We couldn't wait to get out of there after the terrifying ordeal with the Volturi. I had heard stories about them as the years went by, but I had never realized they would be so cold and callous in person. After the horror stories I heard from Carlisle, I wasn't really surprised.

  I was grateful everyone was alive, and that we were able to save Edward.

Back in Forks...

  "So, were you able to save him?" Riley asked. We were sitting by the river by my house, "Yes, thankfully." I laced my fingers with his. "The Volturi are terrifying, they've always reminded me of vampires in human movies, because of the fear they inflict." I leaned my head on his shoulder, "They were about to kill my brother in front of me if Bella hadn't stopped them." "They sound terrifying." Riley acknowledged. "I promise that I won't let them hurt you, even if they kill me." I vowed looking directly in his eyes. "Maybe I can become like you someday," he kissed me on the cheek, "And we can be the power couple of the vampire world." he flirted. I smiled, "That does sound nice." we kissed each other softly. "I could transform you if you want me to, but you must know how painful the process is." I warned. "I remember you telling me, and it's a risk I'm willing to take, if it means being with you forever," he kissed me. "There is no one I trust more than you." "I love you Riley, so much, but I must know if this is what you really want." "Yes, it is what I want. I'll find some way to talk to my parents if I act strange after it happens, I'll tell them I'm on a trip with your family celebrating your graduation. I have never been more sure of anything in my life." Riley's brown eyes were full of sincerity and determination.

  I touched his face and nodded, "Okay, if this is what you want, I will change you." I stroked his cheek, "The venom will take two to three days to enter your entire blood stream, and it will hurt, but it will be over before you know it." I took in the scent of his blood, and I called Carlisle out to monitor me to make sure I didn't lose control. "Remember, to find the will to stop." he gave me the same advice he gave Edward when he was saving Bella.

  I took in the scent of Riley's blood again, and I changed him.

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