The Baseball Game and New Enemies

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There was a thunderstorm expected the next day, so we planned to have a baseball game. Bella was coming, but Riley had finals he needed to study for, but he promised he would be there for the next one.
  While Edward drove to pick up Bella, I went with the rest of my family to get ready for the game. He had borrowed Emmett's Jeep.

   "So, Bella's gonna play baseball with us," Rosalie said sarcastically as she was stretching to warm up. "Why do you hate her so much?" I asked twirling a bat around in my hand. "I don't hate her, but I don't like her," she corrected. "Yeah, because that makes a difference," I said sarcastically. Rosalie ignored my comment, "Why isn't Riley coming?" "He has finals," I replied. "Ah, I remember those days," she said. "We've done it over one hundred times," I laughed. "I know, that's why I remember it so well," she grinned. It was nice to hear her making a light hearted comment for once.

  We saw Edward and Bella driving onto the field, and we were almost ready to begin the game, but we had to wait a little longer for the storm to get in full power. Rosalie and Jasper were playing a game of tug of war with one of the bats and just being silly.

   Esme smiled when she saw Bella, "Bella! I'm glad you're here, we need an umpire. " "She thinks we cheat," Emmett told her. "Oh, I know you cheat," she playfully teased my brother. I laughed, "Yeah, like when you knocked the ball out of the way when I was about to catch it," I ran to Emmett and put him in a headlock to humor him. "Like I keep telling you, it was an accident," he unloosened my grip and ruffled my hair. "Little sis has gotten stronger."

  Bella and Esme laughed, and I curtsied to humor them even more. Suddenly, lightning struck in the distance, and Alice smiled excitedly, "It's time."

   While Bella and Esme watched, the rest of us were on the field. Alice pitched the ball and then Rosalie hit it, and then she began to run to the bases. Edward ran after the ball with Emmett following behind, but Edward caught the ball and through it to me. I jumped into the air and was able to catch the ball and throw it to Esme just a second before Rosalie slid into home base, but I had beaten her. "You're out," Bella said. Rosalie glared at her in a way that could have killed someone, and Emmett tried to get her to calm down, "Babe, come on, it's just a game."
She calmed down a little, but she still glared at Bella as she walked away to Emmett.
It was Jasper's turn to bat. Alice pitched the ball and he hit it.
Emmett climbed up a tree and attempted to catch it, and Edward ran to try to catch it as well, and the two brothers collided together, and it was hilarious!
Soon, it was Carlisle's turn to bat, and Alice pitched the ball, and suddenly she looked intently into the forest and got scared, "Stop!"
We all froze and we knew we weren't alone. I smelled an unfamiliar scent, and I got a horrible feeling whatever was coming wasn't a friend. "They heard us playing, they were about to leave and now they're coming this way," Alice told Carlisle. Edward looked horrified and he looked at Bella apologetically, "I shouldn't have brought you here, I'm so sorry," "What?" Bella didn't seem hurt at all. She seemed brave for a human. I noticed that in Riley as well.
"I need to get you out of here, now," Edward took Bella's hand and started leading her to the Jeep. "Its too late, they're already here." Carlisle warned him.
  Edward had Bella take her hair out of her ponytail so that she could pass for one of us. "That won't help, I could smell her from across the field," Rosalie scoffed.

   There were three of them, and they were dangerous. The trio consisted of two men and a woman.
On the left there was a man with blond hair, slicked back in a ponytail, and he was wearing a leather jacket with blue jeans and was barefoot. In the middle, there was a dark skinned man with dreadlocks. He wore an orange 1700's style coat with dark brown pants and was also barefoot. Lastly, the woman had red hair so bright that it looked orange, she wore a green T shirt that said "Kiss Me I'm Irish," dark jeans, and wore a white fur wrap around her shirt, and didn't wear shoes either. The three people had one thing in common, their eyes were crimson red. 

The man in the middle was holding our baseball, he smiled politely and held it up, "I think this belongs to you," he tossed it to Carlisle and he caught it, "Thank you." 

  "I am Laurent, and this is Victoria and James," he introduced his coven. "I'm Carlisle, this is my family," my father gestured to all of us. 

"Hello," Laurent said politely. I read his thoughts, and he didn't seem threatening. "I'm afraid your hunting activities have caused something of a mess for us," Carlisle told him. "Our apologies. We didn't realize the territory had been claimed," said Laurent apologetically. "Yes, well. We maintain a permanent residence nearby," "Really? Well we won't be a problem anymore. We were just passing through." 

        "The humans were tracking us, but we led them east. You should be safe," Victoria said smugly with a smile. "Excellent," Carlisle commended. There was an awkward silence, and the tension seemed to thicken. "So, could you use three more players?" Laurent asked. Carlisle looked around trying to figure out what to do and Edward made sure that Bella was still behind him. 

    "Oh, come on. Just one game," he offered. "Sure, a few of us were leaving. You can take their place." Carlisle threw the ball back to Laurent, but Victoria caught it. "I'm the one with the wicked curve ball," she said proudly. "Oh, I think we can handle that," Jasper said humorously. "Oh!" Laurent laughed, as did the rest of us. "We shall see," Victoria slinked away with Laurent to go to the bases. 

  James was staring at Bella and Edward like he was trying to figure them out. She looked at Edward like she was getting a little nervous. 

  I stood next to Jasper and Emmett as our game was about to begin, because the three newcomers were making me scared as well. I hadn't feared another creature like us in one hundred years. 

Just when it seemed like things were going well, it was all over when there was a strong gust of wind and it blew threw Bella's hair. Uh oh, I thought fearfully. James breathed in her scent deeply and stared at her hungrily, "You brought a snack." 

   My family and I instantly jumped in front of Bella and hissed at the three vampires. Esme gently pushed Bella behind her for protection. "A human?" Laurent observed. "The girl is with us. I think it's best that you leave," Carlisle warned. James was still looking at Bella like an animal stalking its prey. Victoria's face was full of rage, and Laurent was trying to diffuse the tension. "I can see the game is over, we'll go now." he began to back away. "James," Laurent warned. He growled under his breath and listened. Victoria gave a loud hiss and began to walk away, James put his arm around her. 

  It was that moment that made us realize that we had a new enemy on our hands, and we had to protect Bella from getting hurt. "Get Bella out of here," Carlisle told Edward. He instantly listened and they both ran to Emmett's Jeep. 

   The rest of us ran back to our house, and I called Riley to warn him of what was going on. "What?" he asked in shock. "Yeah, the three Nomad vampires are extremely dangerous. So please be careful, I couldn't live with myself if you got hurt." I told Riley. "I'm not worried, because I have you to protect me," he replied. I smiled, "And I always will." "I love you," Riley said. I knew he was smiling even though we were on the phone. "I love you too, you're the love of my life." 

   I was grateful Riley wasn't involved, but I worried for Bella, because she meant so much to Edward. I hadn't known her that long and I already saw her as a sister. 

We were about to go to battle. 

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