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       Bella made a painful recovery after her stay in the hospital just in time for prom, but she would be attending while wearing a walking cast. Edward wanted to make sure she wouldn't miss it.
None of our other siblings wanted to go, so it was just me and Riley and Edward and Bella.
The theme of the prom was Monte Carlo and all the students who attended dresses in glittery dresses and dashing tuxedos.

Riley kissed me on the cheek, "Wanna dance?" "It would be my honor!" I said kissing him back. We walked onto the dance floor and danced together.

It was the most fun I've had in one hundred years, and I was grateful I finally got to have something to make me feel like a normal teenager again. Edward and Bella watched us with amusement, and Edward smiled a proud brotherly smile at me. I smiled and winked at him. I was happy that we both found our other halves, and even though it did take a century for us to find them; I'm grateful for the way things turned out.

Riley and I walked out onto a pavilion surrounded by fairy lights and was suspended on a platform and was nestled by a little river. It reminded me of something out of a fairytale story that my mother would use to read to me before going to sleep. The song that was playing went from the upbeat song to something slow and romantic.

We began to slow dance to the music. I put my arms around Riley and put my head on his shoulder. He held me close and caressed my hair.
  It was just the two of us in our own world again. 

      "Riley, I must thank you." I said after a while. He chuckled, "For what?" "Coming into my life, and making it better," I tenderly touched his face. He beamed and kissed me, "It was my pleasure, and I must thank you for being in my life as well." we shared another kiss. "You're so full of life, and such a kind person. I'm lucky to be yours," his brown eyes were full of happiness and adoration. "Ditto," I smiled happily. I was so excited and elated that we found happiness in each other. "I want to be with you forever," "I want to be with you as long as I live, and even though we're young, I feel like you're the one," Riley said. "It means the world to me to hear you say that," if I still had the ability to cry happy tears, then I would. "I love you, more than anything in this entire world," I gazed at him with love. "I love you too, Lilly. I always have and always will."

  He touched my face and we kissed each other lovingly, and slow danced to the rest of the song, not having a care in the world. 

  As old as I was, I felt like my own human age again. Riley was the most important person in my life, and I felt like he was the missing part of me, and that we belonged together. I would go to the ends of the earth to protect Riley and I would do anything for him. 

The next month...

      I attended Riley's graduation, and I was honored that I got to be there for him. I was proud of him! Although, it did break my heart that we wouldn't be able to spend a whole lot of time together because he was going to Washington State for college, but we planned to always make time for each other. Nothing was going to keep us apart, I wouldn't let that happen. I had no idea the next few months would be the most dangerous.

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