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"Lilly, I need to talk to you," Edward told me one morning. I looked up from the book I was reading, "What's wrong?" I got up and walked with him to the balcony. I knew from his thoughts that he was about to tell me something bad. "We need to leave Forks," he told me like he was escorting me to my execution. "What? Why?" I raised my eyebrows in shock. "Bella was almost killed because of me, and people could start asking questions," he said. I had a feeling he wasn't being honest with me, "She wouldn't tell anyone. She told Charlie that she tripped and he bought her story," I was getting angry. "But what if he doesn't?" Edward inquired sadly. "What if it was Riley in Bella's place?"

That was when I snapped, "How dare you bring him into this! He knows I would never hurt him or put him in any danger!" I snarled under my breath. "You need to break up with him, because we are leaving." the emotion on my brother's face wasn't there. I was now furious, "I'm not leaving him! You can't make me!" I yelled. I paced trying to keep my rage and confusion at bay, "I promised Riley I would never hurt him, and leaving him would be worse than anything!" I screamed at him. "So you're going to abandon your family over a guy?" Edward scowled. "This is different. I'm not abandoning him over self doubt and if it means being with Riley, yes. I can't hurt him like this! I won't give into whatever scheme you're conducting!" I jumped off the balcony and flitted away into the woods. I didn't understand why Edward wanted to leave her, he would be breaking her heart.

I screamed in anger at my brother's actions, and I began to hyperventilate uncontrollably. I was angry and confused.

The next couple of days, I was living like a Nomad vampire; it was times like these where I was grateful I didn't have any human needs anymore. I was terrified and alone, but like I told Edward, I wasn't going to leave Riley. I was actually tired of running whenever things went wrong. I needed to look after myself, and I already had a plan in mind; if things went wrong or if I felt afraid, I would flit to Alaska to stay with our Denali cousins. Until then, I would live my life normally; I would go to school and live like a normal student, I would spend time with Riley, and if anyone asked any questions, then I would tell them my family moved to New York and I decided to stay with my cousins, because I wanted to finish school.

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