The Battle

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We were at the bottom of the mountain, waiting for our attackers to arrive. Carlisle and Esme, Emmett and Rosalie, Alice and Jasper, and Riley and I were prepared, and we were not afraid.
Edward and Bella were at the top of the mountain and our job was to keep the newborn vampires from reaching them.
Victoria would be difficult to find because she was using the newborns as a wall to sneak past us to find Bella.
The wolves we're also ther to help us. We had all put our differences aside to work together to fight the enemy.
Newborn vampires were vicious beasts that outmatched the strength of all of us; we were grateful Jasper had taught us how to fight them without getting killed.
"Stay with me, and don't leave my side for one minute," I protectively warned Riley. I would be devastated if Victoria hurt him. "Don't worry, I won't leave your side. We stick together," he smiled a comforting smile at me. I gave him a quick kiss before we all flitted into the battle.
There were hundreds of newborn vampires descen ing upon us. They were ferocious creatures who lusted for blood. They were doing Victoria's bidding.
We wouldn't let them get to Bella.
With the wolves on our side, we were invincible.
Riley and I stayed side by side, running through the forest, fighting off the horde of vampires.
I even used Edward's fighting technique, biting the neck and then severing the head. None of us have been in a battle of this type before, aside from Jasper.

Suddenly, we found a young girl, about sixteen years old, with bright red eyes looking frightened.

Riley and I skidded to a stop and cautiously approached the girl because she could be putting on an act.
"Who are you?" I asked the girl. "I'm Bree Tanner," she replied in a trembling voice.
"Are you trying to surrender?" Riley asked with caution. "Yes," she answered. "How do we know you won't try to kill us?" I interrogated. "I can tell you where she is heading," Bree told us.
Riley and I looked at each other and then back at Bree.
"Okay, stay with us, and don't run off," Riley warned.
"Okay," she replied with a nod.
The three of us ran up the mountain to meet up with Edward and Bella.
We got there in plenty of time as Victoria was approaching the coupl .

She was angry and ravenous. She wanted to kill Bella because Edward had killed James. That's why she wanted to kill Riley as well.

Victoria eyed Riley seductively, "I have been looking for you, Riley. I had big plans for you, but your precious Lilly ruined them." she stepped toward him, but I sprang in front of him, a loud hiss escaping my throat. "You will not hurt him," I growled.

"No, you want her. You want to kill Bella. You want me to feel the same pain when I killed James when I tore him to pieces, when I turned him into ash. When I turned him into nothing."

I had almost forgo ten Bree was still next to us. She stayed behind Riley and me, but Victoria figured out she was there. She didn't say anything, but she gave the girl a cold glare.

Victoria knew that to get to Bella, she had to kill Edward, but it was four vampires against one.

She sprang at my brother in an attack roaring loudly.

I jumped on her back to stop her. Edward was desperately trying to push her off of him. Then, Bree joined the battle and ran in front of Bella when Victoria was about to charge at her. Riley protected Bella by jumping on the tree above her head.

Bella could only watch in horror, because she wasn't strong enough to help us fight off the evil vampire. Suddenly, Victoria had me and Edward pinned down in the snow. Bree and Riley tried to get her off of us. Bella had an idea, she searched for a sharp rock, picked it up, and cut her arm. Her blood dripping down her arm. Victoria's head snapped up and she started for her. Edward and I were able to get up from her trap. Edward bit Victoria's neck, and then I jumped on her shoulders, ripping her head off. Victoria was dead.

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