☀︎ steve randle → bonfire

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thank you so much for the request dancer73333
i hope you enjoy it just as much as i did writing it !!

! comment and vote please !
summarytrips are a way to refresh the mind, but sometimes they can bring unexpected things as well.

< 3rd person pov >

"hey, is anyone sitting here?"

a frantic, yet hushed voice asked - pointing to the empty seat in front of her. ponyboy glanced to her, speaking back to her in the same hushed tone.

"no. you're good."

he sent her a tiny smile, picking up on her anxious body language. she sighed in relief, not immediately giving him the same smile back. she placed her backpack on the ground, pulling the seat out before sitting down upon it.

ponyboy watched as she quickly got her things out, obviously trying to remain as quiet as she could. he found it amusing. he briefly glanced towards the professor who had picked back up onto his lesson, ignoring y/n's late presence.

y/n's foot underneath the table bounced repeatedly, that being a nervous tendency of hers. pony saw a bit of his friends from back home in her, he felt a sense of nostalgia in the girl he hadn't known the name of...that being the only reason he felt a bit concerned for her.

"page 243..."

he whispered, sitting back up straight in his seat. finally y/n glanced back to him - smiling gratefully. "thank you so much."

"i'm ponyboy..." he mumbled, his voice still quiet. she nodded as she sifted through the pages. "nice to meet ya'," she paused - finally finding page 243. "i'm y/n." they both looked to each other briefly, before going back to their professor.

"nice to meet ya' too."

ponyboy gazed over to the girl he had known for only a few months, entertained with what they were doing.

taking a road trip back to tulsa, oklahoma was an impulse decision, one they were happy taking. similar to their trip, their friendship came as an impulse - a somewhat mistake, an accident even - but it was something they both benefitted from.

"you're a scholarship kid?" she questioned, smiling as they both entered the cafeteria. ponyboy nodded proudly, glad someone was acknowledging the thing he worked hard for. "yes i am."

"how strange, i am as well - well, sorta."

"sorta?" he glanced over to her, curiously - watching as she grabbed a black tray. "i got a few 1,000 or 100 dollar scholarships here and there and saved them since high school -waited about two years after graduating and then finally had enough to start this semester. hopefully with work and the aid of my family - i'll be able to at least get my associates degree."

ponyboy nodded, "sweet. seems we're quite alike."
they gathered their items of food, continuing to talk and share. a feeling as strong as comfort washed them both over, feeling as they had struck gold with finding each other.

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