Heights | Two-Bit Matthews

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make me lose the ability to walk 🙈
*g/n/n : girl nick name (your choice of name for two bits sister), f/a : favorite animal, y/n/n : your nickname + l/n : last name*

Popcorn, spun sugar and pretzels.
All three consumed my nostrils.

The carnival has always been a place near and dear to my heart. The smell and the sight were nostalgic. I enjoyed being here, taking in the sight of happy faces and excited laughter.

I'm more than glad that Two-Bit invited me to go with him and his little sister. He knew about the love for this gathering I had and he knew that this year I couldn't afford to go.

"You know y/n, I wouldn't have expected you to get so caught up in the scent of this place."  Two Bit laughed, I smiled at him. "It's been a while since I've been here. It's nostalgic, Keith."

"Hey g/n/n, wanna a piggie back ride. She nodded. I kneeled down and felt her body against mine. She gently wrapped her arms around my neck as I held her legs to me. I stood up and smiled once I could hear her giggles.

"Where do you wanna go first?"
"Ferris wheel." She said into my ear.
Part of me became anxious, I was scared of heights and I knew Keith liked to mess with me about it.
If g/n/n wanted to go, so I would I.

"Alright, let's go to the Ferris wheel."

We got on and sat. Two bit sat next to his sister and I sat opposite to them. My brain started stressing about the whole situation. The irrational part of my brain started taunting me.

Hopefully it doesn't tip over

Careful now, you wouldn't want to fall out and die

Don't move too much, it might break



I looked at him and intently stared at his face, it being a perfect distraction.

"You good?"
He smirked, knowing my fear of heights.

I shook my head.

"Could you like talk to me?"
I asked, my voice desperate.

He nodded.

"Let's play a game where I say a random word and then you say a random word and then we'll go back and forth. Whoever chokes up first, loses."

I nodded, my heart desperately wanting to get off.





"Polyrhythmic anagram."

I laughed, I'm suprised he was even able to say such words. I couldn't think of any other word.

"Haha you lost."

I rolled my eyes and felt the ride come to a stop. We were at the very top.

"Shit. Shit. Shit. Shit. Shit."
Two Bit covered his sisters ears.

"Language." He grunted.

I couldn't give less of a fuck right now.
I'm panicking here. I covered my eyes and tried to regulate my breathing.

"What's wrong with y/n?"

"She's scared."

I felt someone drape their arm around my back, gently. Based on scent alone, I knew it was Keith.
The cart buckled, which made me sit up straight in fear. I could see that we were higher than the tallest roller up in this bitch, adding to my fright.

"It's just moving, y/n." Keith laughed. I leaned against him and covered my eyes again. I didn't even open them until we were supposed to get off. I got out and waited for the Matthew's to come out of the death trap.

Keith smiled at me, taking my sudden need to comfort the wrong way. I blushed and punched his shoulder. "Shut up, two."

Throughout the time us four were here, we ate, walked around and rode the rides I could mentally prepare for. The roller coasters were something the Matthew siblings did as a pair. Keith won his sister a large giraffe and won me small f/a.

time skip : 1 hour

Two and I sat outside his house on the steps, talking to sum up the day.


based on his tone alone, I knew what he was
about to bring up.


"Did you have a fun time on the Ferris wheel."


"Why are you so afraid of heights, y/n?"
I shrugged, I really did have a reason, I'm just scared of them.

"The same reason Johnny's afraid of his parents, I don't want to get hurt or killed."

"Fair enough."

There was silence in between us, the only sound being Two-Bit drinking his beer.

"Did I make you feel better?"
I sighed, blush returning to my cheeks.

He laughed.

"No need to be embarrassed y/n/n. I liked you laying against me."

"Oh wow."
I laughed.

"Oh please I know you see the way I look at you, same thing for you. You got your eyes on me, l/n." He stared at me and I stared back.

"You're just fuckin with me." I laughed, shaking my head. He sighed, set his his beer down and gently placed his hands on the sides of my neck. His eyes were soft as he closed them, bringing my face towards his. I closed mine as well and kissed Keith, "Two-Bit", Matthews.

We separated and just stared at each other.
"You weren't just fuckin with me."
I breathed out, my tone amused.
He shook his head and laughed a bit too.
"No I wasn't fuckin with you."

We seemed to be synchronized, as we both lent in and kissed again. This time with more passion. We separated once again. No laughs, just smiles of content and happiness. I did not think this day would turn out this way. My eyes lingered down to his lips and back up to his eyes.

"I think I like you...like a lot."

thanks sm for 200 reads !
insta: slutforpeliculas
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978 words

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