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We finally landed in Gary.. my hometown. Kayla stayed close in proximity to me and when I say close, we held hands the whole time. She was a little scared but I had to tell her that she didn't have to be. When we got off the plane, I noticed she felt uneasy and she kept looking back.

"Kayla. We are far away.. He can't get to you." I said as we got into the limo to head to the hotel.

She was quiet most of the time staring in the window. "Kayla?" I said as she looked at me.

"Yes, Michael?" She said with a small smile.

"I can't wait for you to meet my mother Katherine. She is the best woman in the world. She knows some of the situation and she isn't the type to play games. I didn't tell her everything but she knows about Julius and his ways. She always thought that I would fall in the trap but I never did." I said.

"Oh.. i hope so.. this isn't easy and I been through enough shit for people to eat on. " she said.

"I know. Trust me... I don't have it easy with my father.. he had dreams for me but I wanted my own. That's why we are staying at a hotel.." I said.

"Your father is bad people?" She asked. I shutters on the inside.

"He was the abuser in my childhood. That's why I am keeping my distance and you will love my sister Janet she's a doll. I'm pretty sure my other siblings will be there too." I said.

"Oh.. I'm nervous, Michael. What if they don't..- I stopped her. "They will definitely like you.. and Letoya will try her best to find information about you.. so keep it simple but when you talk to my mom.. there's no possibility to lie to her.. she can read people like a book." I said.

"I would never lie to her. I can't.. my parents taught me better than that. " she said as she looked down at our hands. She takes her thumb and runs it across my hand. I could feel the nervousness in her touch had me feeling a certain type of way. She was at her end with the marriage but it's hard for her to let go.

Three hours later..

After we checked in the hotel we settled to head to Havenhurt.. I kept close to Kayla because she was nervous and she found it better to hold on to my hand the whole way in which I didn't mind at all. The driver pulled up and went to get out. I rolled the window down before he opened the door.

"Give us a minute, okay?" I said as he nods and I rolled the window back up. I looked at Kayla, "Kayla, are you ready? I don't want to rush you." I asked.

She swallowed first and wiped under her eye, "I think so..I'm kinda scared. Not of you or your family. I'm just uneasy.. " she said as she looked down. I lifted her head up, "Kayla breathe. Julius thinks he has that control over your freedom, that same control, you can move passed this. I will help you." I said. She nodded and I kissed her cheek.

We get out and head towards the door and we walked in. My mother was sitting in the living room and she turned from the television and she sees us.

"Hey baby!" She said as she gets up and slowly walks to me.

"Hey mother! It's so good to see you!" I said as her warm embrace soothe me. I pulled back and kissed her on her cheek.

I reached for Kayla's shaking hand. "Mother, this is Kayla. Kayla this is my mother Katherine Jackson." I said.

"Hi Sweetie. How are you?" She asked.

"I'm f-fine. You are goregeous." She said as she hugged my mother and she flinched.

"Michael, baby, go and get the Arnica oil." She asked me. I didn't realize that Kayla's bruise on her neck became visible. I left and ran to the bathroom.

You To Love || An MJ Romance (18*) CompletedWhere stories live. Discover now