Chapter Four: Notes

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The next morning, (Y/N) was playing the organ, writing more notes for her opera. But she quickly let out her anger for Sylvie. She had to ensure that Loki doesn't choose Sylvie. Yes, Sylvie could give him a good house, life, and money but (Y/N) could give him love and appreciation. But, somehow all the aggressive organ playing didn't wake up Loki. He was still sound asleep. But what did wake him up was the music box. He woke up thinking what happened last night was a dream. But it wasn't. It was real. And he was still in (Y/N)'s lair. 

'I remember there was mist, swirling mist upon a vast, glassy lake. There were candles all around, and on the lake, there was a boat, and in the boat, there was a girl,' Loki looked at (Y/N).

She was writing her opera, unaware that Loki had woken up. Loki left the bed and went to (Y/N) who was too concentrated on her opera to notice Loki was awake. 

'Who was that shape in the shadows? Whose is the face in the mask?'

Loki sneaked up behind her while she composed music. Loki hesitated but finally took the mask off to reveal...

"NOO!" (Y/N) covered her face, 'Damn you!'

(Y/N) chased Loki as he tried to run after seeing her face.

'You little prying Pandora! You little demon! Is this what you wanted to see?' (Y/N) grabbed his arm, showing her face again before throwing him to the ground, 'Curse you! You little lying Delilah! You little viper! Now you cannot ever be free!'

Loki was terrified by (Y/N)'s sudden outburst. Her anger fits her face. 

'Damn you... Curse you...' (Y/N) fell to her knees. 

She looked back and Loki who was curled up in fear. He was used to Natasha being strict but this was a whole new level for Loki.

'Stranger than you dreamt it. Can you even dare to look or bear to think of me? This loathsome gargoyle, who burns in hell, but secretly yearns for heaven. Secretly... secretly... But Loki...' Loki looked at (Y/N) who started to crawl to him, 'Fear can turn to love. You'll learn to see to find the girl behind the monster: this repulsive carcass,' she showed her face again but covered it when Loki turned away, 'who seems a beast but secretly dreams of beauty. Secretly... secretly...'

(Y/N) really didn't want to lash out at Loki but she's sensitive to people looking at what lies behind the mask. Loki is no exception. She wants him to love her but, with a face like hers, it's impossible. (Y/N) turned away, crying at the thought of losing Loki because of her face and her anger issues. Taking pity on the poor girl, Loki gave her the mask back. She took it, turned around, and put it back on. (Y/N) stood back up and took Loki's wrist.

'Come, we must return. Those two fools who run my theater will be missing you.'

Earlier that night, ballet girls were still awake. They were onstage thinking they were safe from The Phantom. A number one rule in the theater was to never wander around at night or The Phantom would get you. The girls didn't think she would. That was until Obadiah screamed and held down a rope from the catwalk above the stage, scaring the girls.

'Like yellow parchment is her skin. A great black hole serves as the nose that never grew,' Obadiah laughed, 'You must be always on your guard or she will catch you with her magical lasso.'

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