Chapter Nine: Wishing you were somehow here again

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He arrived at the graveyard. He just wanted to get away from the drama for a while and visit his father again. Because of everything, he hasn't been able to. But he really needed to. 

'Little Lotte thought of everything and nothing. His father promised him that he would send him the Angel of Music. His father promised him. His father promised him.'

Loki looked at the grave. In honor of what he is, and what his father was, Loki made his skin turn blue and his eyes red. His true form. 

'You were once my one companion. You were all that mattered. You were once a friend and father then my world was shattered. Wishing you were somehow here again, wishing you were somehow near. Sometimes it seemed if I just dreamed, somehow you would be here. Wishing I could hear your voice again knowing that I never would.'

'Dreaming of you won't help me to do all that you dreamed I could. Passing bells and sculpted angels, cold and monumental, seem, for you, the wrong companions. You were warm and gentle.'

Loki started to realise something. Everything (Y/N) has done isn't Laufey's fault. He didn't choose the angel. He didn't choose any angel. (Y/N) just overheard Loki talking about it and claimed to be the angel. 

'Too many years fighting back tears. Why can't the past just die? Wishing you were somehow here again, knowing we must say goodbye. Try to forgive, teach me to live, give me the strength to try. No more memories, no more silent tears, no more gazing across the wasted years. Help me say goodbye. Help me say goodbye.'

Feeling his visit was over, Loki started to leave, his skin turning back to normal. But, from another grave, (Y/N) appears. She had followed him and heard him talk about his troubles. Time to be his angel.

'Wandering child. So lost, so helpless, yearning for my guidance,' (Y/N) sang to him

'Angel or father? Friend or phantom? Who is it there, staring?' Loki asked

'Have you forgotten your angel?'

'Angel, oh, speak. What endless longings echo in this whisper.'

Sylvie had also followed Loki here. She came over only to see Loki and (Y/N) singing to each other.

'Too long you've wandered in winter,' (Y/N) said

'Once again he is hers,' Sylvie said 

'Far from my fathering gaze.'

'Once again he returns.'

'Wildly my mind beats against you,' Loki said

'You resist.' 

'Yet your/my soul obeys,' they sang together.

'Into the arms of his...'

'Angel of Music, I/you denied you/me.'

'Angel or demon, still she calls him.'

'Turning from true beauty.'

'Luring him back from the grave.'

'Angel of Music, my protector/do not shun me.'

'Angel or dark seducer. Who are you strange angel?'

'Come to me/your strange angel.'

'I am your Angel of Music. Come to me, Angel of Music,' (Y/N) started singing the same song that started all this.

"Angel of darkness, cease this torment!" Sylvie told (Y/N) but she kept singing, "Loki! Loki! Listen to me, whatever you may believe, this girl... This... This thing is not your Angel. Let him go. For God's sake, let him go! Loki!"

Loki finally broke from (Y/N)'s singing and ran to Sylvie, kissing her. 

"Bravo, Miss, such spirited words," (Y/N) laughed making fire appear next to them. 

"More tricks, Miss?" Sylvie asked trying to leave with Loki.

"Let's see, Miss, how far you dare go," more fire appeared, stopping them

"More deception, more violence?"

"That's right, that's right, keep walking this way." 

"You can't win his love by making him your prisoner," More fire!

"I'm here: I'm here, Miss. The angel of death!" (Y/N) laughed, "Come on. Come on. Don't stop. Don't stop!" and they were gone, "So be it. Now, let it be war upon you both!"

She disappeared in a burst of flames. The night of the performance, police were there ready to be rid the Opera of this ghost. As everyone had taken their seats in the theater, the police were given out more orders. One of them would be in the orchestra pit looking straight at Box Five. When the time comes, he will have to shoot her. And if he had to, shoot to kill her. The managers were having their doubts about all this but Sylvie was confident that this would work.

The police chief gave the order to secure the doors once all the guests were in. But (Y/N) wasn't done tormenting them. She made her voice sound like it was coming from everywhere in the room. But no one could see her. The young officer shot at the box but he didn't hit anyone. Sylvie scolded him for it and he tried to defend himself when (Y/N) spoke up. She agreed that, for once, Sylvie was right.

(Y/N) was happy to let them think that she will be accepting her fate tonight but hated to cut the fun short. But time to let her opera begin. So, the show started with Wanda in the role of Loki's co-star, Don Juan. Once she put on a big, black cloak with a hood, she went backstage and Loki walked on. 

'No thoughts within his head but thoughts of joy. No dreams within his heart but dreams of love,' Loki sang.

He sat at the table where there was a feast waiting. 

'Master?' one of the actors left on stage asked

'Passarino,' the voice was different and clearly trying to put on an accent, 'Go away, for the trap is set and waits for its prey.'

The cloaked figure came out on stage. Loki sat down with an apple in hand. The new Don Juan came out to him.

'You have come here in pursuit of your deepest urge. In pursuit of that wish which till now has been silent, silent,' she picked up a challis, 'I have brought you that our passion may fuse and merge. In your mind, you've already succumbed to me, dropped all defenses, completely succumbed to me. Now you are here with me. No second thoughts,' She took Loki's apple, 'You've decided. Decide.'

Loki took the challis instead. He was completely unaware that the actors had changed. At least he was thinking it was part of the show. Because before he goes onstage, Don Juan and Passarino change places. So Loki assumed it was just Wanda trying to sound different for the character. How wrong he was. But who is the new Don Juan?

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