Chapter Twenty-one: Please Mr Barnes

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So they started their search. But Natasha was right. There were a lot of people there. It was almost impossible to find them. But (Y/N) lead them to where they should be. To the pier. Bucky and Patty were already there. Patty was scared while Bucky seemed completely out of it. 

'Please Mr Barnes, I want to go back. I want my father,' Patty begged trying to stop him.

'The world is hard, the world is mean. It's hard to keep your conscience clean,' Bucky said dragging him to the edge

"Please! You're hurting me!"

'The sea is calm, the sea is grey, it washes everything away.'

"I can't swim!" Patty said as they arrived at the edge

"Don't worry, it's almost over. Sink into the deep. Blue, and cool, and kind. Then, drift off to sleep. Let the past unwind. Leave the hurt behind.'

"Patty!" Loki shouted.

(Y/N), Loki and Natasha had just arrived

"Father!" Patty shouted back.

"No, I'm not done yet!" Bucky said leaning Patty on the edge of the pier, stopping them in their tracks.

"Let go of the girl now!" (Y/N) ordered.

'Not another step!' Bucky told her.

"Let go of her boy, or I promise you I-!"

"Not another word!" Bucky interrupted, 'always wondered how to make you watch well, watch me now!'

They stayed silent so Bucky continued, 'I took a little trip to Coney Island, I took a little trip because of you. I did as Natasha said and followed where you led and tried to do what little I could do. Well, here's the way it works on Coney Island, they make you pay for every little crumb. I gave what they would take, I gave it for your sake, now look at me and see what I've become.'

They were all perplexed at that point. What was he talking about?

'Bathing beauty on the beach,' he continued, 'bathing beauty in his dressing room. Bathing beauty in the dark, on their laps, in their arms, in their beds!'

"Bucky, my little Bucky..." Natasha said sadly.

Bucky had taken up a few jobs to pay off some of (Y/N)'s bills when she didn't have enough to pay them. Two of them, prostitution and hitman. He's done so much for (Y/N) and she's been blind to it all.

"What are you saying?" (Y/N) asked clearly oblivious to what he's talking about.

'Who help you raise the money? Who helped the permits come through?' Bucky asked, 'who greased the wheels of you high flying deals? Bought you time when the bills came due? Who swayed the local bosses? Curried favour with the press? No, not him.'

On instinct, they looked at Loki. They knew full well who he meant.

'And who kept singing, desperate for your favour?' Bucky asked, 'who kept dancing, hoping you would save him? Who kept dying and this is what you gave him!'

Bucky was ready to go with Patty. (Y/N) stopped him, not wanting either of them hurt. (Y/N) may not love Bucky but she still cares for him as a friend. Bucky let Patty go and she ran into Loki's arms.

'Now that I've got your attention at last,' Bucky sang, 'here's the big finished and then you can go!'

Bucky pulled out a gun and pointed it at (Y/N) before pointing it at his head. Natasha tried to run past them and stop Bucky but (Y/N) held her back. Loki moved Patty behind him for protection.

'Give me the gun Bucky,' (Y/N) told him walking towards him, 'give me the hurt and the pain and the gun Bucky. Give me the blame for not seeing the things that you've done Bucky. Give me the gun, Bucky. Give me the chance to see you clear at last.'

'See me clear at last,' Bucky sang in a trance.

'You feel ugly, you feel used, you feel broken, you feel bruised. Ah, but me, I can see all the beauty underneath.' 


'You've been robbed of love and pride, been ignored and punished aside. Even so, I still know there is beauty underneath.' 

"Yes," Bucky slowly put down the gun.

'Diamonds never sparkle bright if they aren't set just right. Beauty sometimes goes unseen, we can't all be like Loki.' 

"Loki, Loki..." Bucky said in frustration, "Always Loki!"

(Y/N) tried to take the gun from him. But the gun fired and they all stood in silence. Everyone was hoping that bullet didn't hit anyone. But then Loki fell to the ground. It hit him in the side! (Y/N) and Patty ran to Loki and (Y/N) cradled him while putting pressure on the wound.

"No! I didn't mean to!" Bucky said.

"Father dear! Say something! Say anything!" Patty begged.

"Romanoff, go get help!" (Y/N) told Natasha, "GO!" 

Natasha ran away with Bucky to get help. (Y/N) continued to cradle Loki in her arms and tried to ensure that Loki didn't bleed out. (Y/N) wasn't going to lose him after she just got him back! 

"Where's Mother? She should be here!" Patty said thinking of Sylvie, "where's Mother?"

"Your mother, your real mother..." Loki was ready to tell Patty the truth, 'look with your heart and not with your eyes. The heart understands, the heart never lies. Believe what it feels and trust what it shows. Look with your heart, the heart always knows. Love is not always beautiful, not at the start.'

'So open your arms...' Patty sang sadly.

'And close your eyes tight...' 

'Look with your heart...'

'And when you find love...'

Gustave looked at (Y/N), realizing who her true Mother is, and ran off shouting 'no!'. Loki tried to get up but (Y/N) kept him where he was. (Y/N) started to cry. She can't lose Loki. He must live! And now she's most likely lost her own daughter for the second time. 

'Once upon another time, our story had only begun. I had a taste of joy... The most I ever knew. Now there isn't any time, and somehow our story is done. And what about the girl? What am I to do?' (Y/N) asked Loki

'Just love, just live and give what you can give. And take the love that you deserve,' Loki said

'Just love, just live and give...'

'All that I have,' (Y/N) continued for them both, 'And take what little I deserve.'

'Come closer, I beg you,' (Y/N) got closer, 'Closer, still,' She got as close as she could, 'Remember, love never dies. Kiss me one last time.'

(Y/N) slowly leaned in. And then they kissed. Loki's last kiss with the woman he loves. After trying to make it last, he fell limp. He was gone. (Y/N) hugged his limp body and screamed. All this effort to get him back and it's all gone to waste! Patty came back with Sylvie. (Y/N) noticed the two. She had the compassion to let Sylvie hold him one last time too. It would be wrong not to. Sylvie took Loki from (Y/N) and she left Sylvie and Patty alone with Loki.

(Y/N) went to the end of the pier and fell to her knees, crying. Patty saw and went over. Sylvie did confirm to her that (Y/N) was her real mother. Patty put a hand on (Y/N)'s shoulder making her turn around. Wanting to give it another try, Patty took (Y/N)'s mask off. This time, Patty didn't scream. Instead, she touched the burn, unafraid. Patty accepted her mother no matter what. They shared a much-needed hug. Little did they know, this wasn't the end.

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