Chapter Five: Il Muto

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Wong opened the note and read it aloud.

"Gentlemen, I have now sent you several notes of the most amiable nature, detailing how my theatre is to be run. You have not followed my instructions, I shall give you one last chance." Wong said as we transition to the night before when (Y/N) was writing the notes.

'Loki Laufeyson has returned to you, and I am anxious his career should progress. In the new production of "Il Muto", you will, therefore, cast Wanda as the Pageboy and put Mr. Laufeyson in the role of Countess. The role which Mr. Laufeyson plays calls for charm and appeal. The role of the Pageboy is silent which makes my casting, in a word, ideal. I shall watch the performance from my normal seat in Box Five, which will be kept empty for me. Should these commands be ignored..."

Back to Wong, "A disaster beyond your imagination will occur, I remain, Gentlemen, your obedient servant, O.G."

'Loki. Loki,' Bucky said

'Loki!' Wanda is not happy. 

'Whatever next?' Stephen asked

'It's all about a ploy to help Loki!' the twins said.

"This is insane," Wong said

'I know who sent this. Miss Lushton, his lover,' Wanda said 

'Indeed? Can you believe this?' Sylvie asked the managers

Everyone talking and singing at the same time. Wanda was offended that they would replace her because she left. She had thought they would just cancel the show or wait until she came back. But they had to improvise. Soon, Wong fixed the situation. 

'Mr. Laufeyson will be playing the Pageboy! The silent role,' Wong said leaning forward towards Wanda

'Wanda will be playing the lead!' The two men said

Wanda went on to say that there was no use trying to appease her because she wouldn't do it. And how they were only saying this to please her. They were doing that while trying to get their Prima Donna back. Sylvie was wondering why Loki would just leave her. She offered him a chance to get to know her again but then he just left her. But what other surprises did Loki or the Phantom have in store for them? This was all so sudden for all of them so it was almost scary to have her suddenly take control. But, the managers wanted control of their theater. So they need to get Wanda back.

'Your public needs you,' Stephen said

'We need you too,' Wong told her.

'Would you not rather have your precious little ingénue?' She asked.

'Miss, no. The world wants you,' they told her, 'Prima Donna, first lady on the stage. Your devotees are on their knees to implore you.'

'Can you bow out when they're shouting you're name?' Stephen asked. 

'Think of how they all adore you,' Wong said

The two men took each of Wanda's hands, 'Prima Donna, enchant us once again.'

'Think of your muse,' Stephen said

'And of the queues round the theatre!' Wong said

'Can you deny us the triumph in store? Sing Prima Donna once more!' Petro and the managers sang.

So, Wanda agreed to do it. She got dressed into the Countess' costume as everyone sang over each other. The managers were happy to get their way. And Wanda was happy to get her limelight back. Once she was all dressed in an old countess dress and wig, everyone joined hands on stage.

'Light up the stage with that age-old rapport. Sing, Prima Donna once more!'

"So, it is to be war between us! If these demands are not met, a disaster beyond imagination will occur!" (Y/N) said through the walls.

But they weren't scared anymore, 'once more!'

So, the night of Il Muto arrived. Everything was in control. But not by the Phantom's demands. The show went on normally. Laughs, singing, and acting. Just how it normally goes. Sylvie and the managers were in Box Five as there were no other seats available. They had been sold out. 

'If he knew the truth he'd never ever go,' the cast sang

"Did I not instruct that Box Five was to be kept empty?" (Y/N) asked angrily.

"She's here, The Phantom of the Opera,' Bucky said scared

"It's her, I know it. It's her," Loki said looking up

Everyone was spooked by (Y/N) making her presence known. But no one could see her. It was like she really was a ghost. 

"Your part is silent, little toad!" Wanda told Loki

"A toad, miss?" (Y/N) asked, "Perhaps it is you who are the toad."

Wanda pretended not to be scared and just told the conductor to start over. So, Loki and Wanda started the scene again.

'Serafimo, away with this pretense. You cannot speak, but kiss me in my...' Wanda croaked like a toad.

(Y/N) laughed at what she did to the diva. Much like she did with Loki, she had Wanda under some sort of spell. But (Y/N) has no magic so how she seems to achieve the impossible is scary. Wanda tried to keep singing but she kept croaking. And (Y/N) wouldn't stop laughing. 

"Behold! She is singing to bring down the chandelier!" (Y/N) said

"Ladies and gentlemen, we apologize," Wong said from Box Five, "The performance will continue in 10 minutes' time when the role of the Countess will be sung by Mr. Loki Laufeyson."

Loki and everyone left the stage as Stephen ran on.

"Ladies and gentlemen! In the meantime, ladies and gentlemen, we shall be giving you the ballet Uh, from Act..." Stephen looked through the book he had on the show, "...Three of tonight's opera. Maestro, bring the ballet forward," Nothing happened, "The ballet. Now!"

So, the music started and the ballet girls came on. Stephen struggled to leave the stage but eventually, he did. As the ballet routine went on, Obadiah was above them, doing his usual work. But he wasn't there alone. (Y/N) was there too. She wanted to make Obadiah an example as to what happens when you disobey the Phantom. But that wasn't the only reason she was doing it. She had heard every one of his lies about her over the years and she's sick of it. Obadiah has never even met her so how would he know what she looks like?

So, (Y/N) took her 'magical lasso' and wrapped it around Obadiah's neck. She then started pulling it tight, strangling him. Just as Obadiah was almost dead, she threw him over the edge, snapping his neck with the rope and making sure everyone could see him. The cast, the audience, everyone. The ballet girls screamed at the sight and ran off. Wong ran on telling everyone not to panic and it was just an accident. This was far from an accident. This was what The Phantom of the Opera is capable of.

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