Chapter Sixteen: Old and new faces

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(Y/N) was thinking over all this. Thinking if she should execute another plan to make Loki her's forever. May as well give it one last go.

'Ten long years of yearning, years of dreaming of this moment when that miracle, that peerless instrument plays for me just fleetingly lays the ghost which tortures me. Tortures me. Ah, Loki,' (Y/N) then got straight to the point, "I know what Hammerstein is paying you. I will double the amount for just one night's work. Here, in my concert hall."

"No," Loki said

"Just one night, Loki. One song. That is all I ask."

"Why should I? For ten years, you've led me to believe you were dead, and now you lure us here and expect me to do your bidding, submit to you again. I won't do it. I owe you nothing!"

Loki tried to leave but Patty ran out in her nightdress crying. She hugged Loki.

'Father, please, I'm scared! What a dream, an awful dream! Someone strange and mad seizing me and drowning me!' Patty explained crying

"Patty, it's all right, darling," Loki assured her.

(Y/N) looked intrigued by the girl. Not only that, (Y/N) didn't even know Loki and Sylvie had a kid. But Patty looked too familiar to (Y/N). She was suspicious about the girl. Loki looked at (Y/N). He already knows but it's clear (Y/N) forgot about Patty after giving birth to her. Loki decided to give out hints to her and secretly introduce Patty to her mother. 

'Come and meet a friend of mine,' Loki said facing Patty to (Y/N)

'Welcome to my world, young friend,' (Y/N) said smiling 

"Your world? Where are we?" Patty asked (Y/N)

"We're in Phantasma, little Lokidottir. On Coney Island. A world of fantasy where illusion is emperor," (Y/N) picked Patty up and stood her on the railing, 'Tell me where you'd like to go, tell me what you want to see. Mr, please, I insist.'

Loki was afraid (Y/N) might drop Patty but she was being careful. Besides, (Y/N) needed Patty for her plan.

'Could you show me, if you please, all Phantasma's mysteries? All that's strange and wild and dark in the shadows of the park?' Patty asked

"You shall see it all tomorrow," (Y/N) put Patty down, "In fact, I myself will show you. I promise."

"Back to sleep now, Patty," Loki said.

The three went inside. Patty asked why (Y/N) wore a mask, assuming she was some sort of magician. Well, in her own way, she was. But not the kind Patty was thinking of.

"What a child," (Y/N) commented once Patty had gone to her room, "Full of life. Full of you, my Loki. Help me through this sadness. Do this kindness for your mentor or your progeny, that perfect specimen, may disappear on Coney Island. Vanish here on Coney Island. Ah, Loki."

"What are you saying?" Loki asked, "How could you? After all that we've been. Who are you?"

"I am your Angel of Music! I am dying Loki! Suffocating here in the dark!" (Y/N) took a hold of him, "Give me breath! Give me life! Sing for me! Or I will take from you everything you have ever loved."

"No, no, you can't!" Loki pulled away from her and turned away. 

"Oh, but I can. A woman as hideous as this, believe me, is capable of anything."

'And what am I to sing?' Loki asked giving in. He can't lose Patty.

'One song composed by me,' (Y/N) took the song from the piano

'And then we're free to leave?'

'And will, of course, receive a princely fee. Is it on with the show? Does she stay, does she go?'

(Y/N) offered him the score. Loki took it seeing no other choice. (Y/N) is threatening to take away the only thing in this whole world that has kept him happy since he married Sylvie. Almost killing Sylvie was one thing, but taking his daughter away is another. But it was also clear that (Y/N) didn't take the hint that Patty was hers. But that doesn't matter now. Loki hummed the tune of the song. It was a love song. Loki went to ask (Y/N) about it but she had disappeared. Sylvie then came back angry.

Hammerstein wasn't at the bar. That's because (Y/N) was the one who wrote the letter to get Sylvie out of the room for a while. Loki told Sylvie about the song (Y/N) gave him and that his debut will be happening here, on Coney Island. The next morning, Bucky was practicing a song for tomorrow night. He and the other freaks have been under criticism for weeks now and (Y/N) knew all about it. So, she wrote a protest song for them. This would be Bucky's big break from everything else he's been given.

He had finally made it in the leading man's slot so this was big for him. Of course, no one had broken the news to him that Loki has taken that spot. Bucky took a break from rehearsals just as Loki, Sylvie, and Patty arrived. Patty was chasing a cat, Loki was making sure to keep Patty close, and Sylvie was wondering who this Miss Y was. Miss Y was just (Y/N)'s new name that she calls herself instead of Phantom. The 'Y' doesn't stand for anything. Just a 'Y'.

Sylvie did want to know what Miss Y did besides spend a lot of money on light entertainment. She didn't get an answer or time for one because Natasha and Bucky saw them and said hello. They all haven't seen each other for ten years so it's almost difficult to recognize each other. Loki told Bucky about him singing tomorrow night. With Loki here, he'll be stealing Bucky's spotlight to gain (Y/N)'s attention. And the attention of the whole of America.

And Natasha told Sylvie who she and Loki are working for now. It's her. Sylvie already guessed just by those two words. (Y/N). She isn't exactly a person you can forget. Sylvie thought Loki didn't know about (Y/N) but Natasha suggested that maybe he did. Sylvie asked only to say she'll deal with him later. The four continued to say hello to each other when they soon had to end the reunion. Sylvie left to get some more alcohol. Loki apologized for Sylvie's behavior when he noticed someone missing. Patty was gone! Loki and Bucky started looking for her.

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