Chapter Nineteen: Before the performance

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So, that night, Bucky did his song with some of the oddities and freaks to protest about reviews that critics have been making. It might have worked. They'd have to see in the morning. But Bucky didn't care. He was more concerned about if (Y/N) saw or heard his performance. He ran to Natasha telling her all about the success of the show. But Natasha was still hurt and annoyed at (Y/N). Bucky was also confident that, after that performance, (Y/N) would finally see that Bucky is all she'll need in her life and she can forget Loki.

But (Y/N) didn't even see the performance. Because she was with Loki. We'll get to that in a minute. Natasha explained to him that he did amazing for the public but not amazing enough for (Y/N) to spare a moment to watch him. All of Bucky's efforts to be noticed has been a waste. At least that's how Natasha made it sound. (Y/N) just isn't interested in Bucky. She loves Loki. But now we'll go see what happened while Bucky was onstage.

Loki was in his dressing room with Patty getting ready for the performance. He was in the mirror looking at his eyes. Not that he was normally picky but he was wondering if he should have them blue or green. He likes both but what would fit the suit more? He asked Patty for advice who told him to have green eyes with flecks of gold. Well, he hadn't tried that yet so he made them that color. Perfect.

"There how do I look?" Loki asked turning to Patty

'You look so beautiful. So very beautiful. Like a King in a book,' Patty said smiling

Loki posed like one for fun, making them laugh.

'You too are beautiful. So very beautiful. Once this performance is through, we'll spend some time, just us two. Won't that be fun?' Loki asked smiling

Patty smiled and nodded. There was then a knock on the door. It was Sylvie. She was dressed in the same outfit she wore when they met the first time when Loki starred in Hannibal. She finally looked cleaned up and proper. 

"Mother! Doesn't Father look lovely tonight?" Patty asked smiling.

"Indeed he does. As lovely as he looked the very first time I came to his dressing room door," Sylvie said smiling.

"And look at you, Sylvie! You look just like that beautiful girl in the opera box. The one who would always toss me a single red rose," Loki said confused as to why she suddenly changed back to the old Sylvie he once knew. 

'Please Patty, if you don't mind. Would you wait outside a while?' Sylvie asked Patty

"May I go exploring? By myself?" Patty asked

'Yes, but stay backstage my dear. When I'm finished meet me here,' Loki told her

"I will."

Patty left the room. Sylvie closed the door behind her.

'Since our wedding day, things have gone astray,' Sylvie started


'I'm not proud of the way that I have acted,' Sylvie interrupted.

"We've both been-"

'The demands I've made,' Sylvie interrupted again, 'All the hopes mislaid. I'm aware of the price they've exacted. Though I have no right to ask you to, there's one thing more I'd have you do if you love me as I love you.'

"Anything darling," Loki said

'Don't sing the song, dear.'

"What? But Sylvie-"

'You have to know something's terribly wrong dear.'

'But I have to do this. It's what we agreed to.'

'That hell spawn demon. She's had us playing her game all along dear.'

'Let me just get through this. Listen, please. I need to."

'You need so much it's true and I've denied you. You need the girl you knew, back here beside you. You'll have her back I vow, just ask it of me. But we must leave here now if you still love me.'

"Do you mean it, Sylvie? Truly?" Loki asked

"I've booked a passage for three on the Atlantic Queen. It leaves in an hour, we'll have just enough time. I beg you. Let's be on it. For both our sakes and the child's," Sylvie said desperate to win this bet, 'Leave this place behind.'

Loki didn't know whether to agree or not. He promised (Y/N) that he'd sing for her one last time then go but Sylvie is changing this for him. Sylvie kissed him before leaving, giving Loki time to think. Meanwhile, (Y/N) had watched everything from the mirror. She had to give a reasonable argument to leave Sylvie and be with her at last. It's not about the bet, it's about her wanting to give him and Patty the life they deserve.

Once Sylvie had left, (Y/N) locked the door. Loki tried to open it but couldn't, obviously. He knew what was happening. Loki turned around to see (Y/N) all dressed up in a cream dress with her hair up and mask on. She wanted to look at least half-decent for him tonight, bet or not.

'She knows her love is not enough. She knows she isn't what you need. She knows you're made of finer stuff. I think on that, we're all agreed. It's time to leave her in the dust. It's time to be who you should be. It's time to do now as you must And set the music in you free. In moments, mere moments, drums will roll. There'll you stand just like before. The crowd will hush and then in one sweet rush, I will hear you sing once more. And music, our music,' (Y/N) took out the golden head-piece and placed it on his head, 'Will swell and then unwind like two strands of melody at last entwined. Fulfill us, complete us, make us full. Seal our bond forevermore. Tonight, for me, embrace your destiny. Let me hear you sing once more.'

And, just like that, she disappeared into the darkness. Loki was left alone. What could he choose? Not sing and go with Sylvie or sing and stay with (Y/N). Another difficult choice but, this time, without as many consequences as the first time. A stagehand knocked on the door telling him it was time to go onstage.

'Twisted in every way. What answer can I give?' Loki thought about this more, this was becoming a little too familiar, 'I know I can't refuse and yet I wish I could. Oh god-'

'Loki, Loki, don't think that I don't care,' he could hear Sylvie say

'But every hope and every prayer rests on you now,' he heard (Y/N) say.

Loki had to make a choice. And this time, it will be permanent.

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