Bad and Good

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Garnet: ok so the man in the mask is holding a purse is it his?

Y/n shakes his head no

Garnet: good that means he's a bad person if he took something that isn't his

Y/n then nods his head yes

Garnet: there you go. So if steven stops this man is he a good person

Y/n nods his head again in a yes motion

Garnet: ok he now has the basics of good and bad

Amethyst: yes it only took what a week?

Garnet: slow and steady

Pearl then does a werid dance that summons a mirror which catches Y/n's eye

Pearl: this is a gem powered mirror that shows all of what its seen in tge past this should teach you about gems

Pearl then trys to get the mirror to work but Y/n deafend her out as he stared at the gem on the back

Y/n: FaMIliar?

Garnet: what was that Y/n


Garnet: ok then?

Steven: hey Y/n you want to join me for summer break?

Y/n nods his head as he follows Steven outside this actually being the first time he has went outside the house eventually steven runs backwards into a another human

Lars: Hey watch were your going! Steven whats that behind you?

Steven: huh oh thats Y/n don't worry he's harmless

Y/n: yes im harmless :)

Steven and his friends talk as Y/n zones out again and looks at the mirrors gem Y/n keeps following Steven as he is almost hit by a car but it stops before it can hit Steven but what was more noticeable was that the mirror talked?

Y/n: Mirror alive?

Steven: what just happened?

The mirror then starts laughing using Steven's voice

Steven: YOU WORK! This is so cool whats it like being a mirror?

Mirror: YOU WORK!

Steven: so you repeat stuff

Mirror: Yeah

Steven and Y/n proceed to go to the Mayors speech where Steven and the Mirror proceed to make funny noises making the crowd laugh Y/n just follows Steven as he continues to play with the mirror all day

Steven: I got to go tell the gems!

Y/n: that word again it makes me feel bad? :(

Mirror: NOOO!

Steven: ah dont be shy come on Y/n

Y/n once again follows Steven but cant shake a bad feeling he gets while watching the mirror Y/n then decides to tap Steven's shoulder

Steven: huh what is it Y/n

Y/n the reaches out his hand for the mirror

Steven: oh you want to hold it?

Y/n nods as Steven gives Y/n the mirror as they head back to the house once they get inside all the gems are there doing there own thing

Steven: Hey guys guess what!

The group then start talking as Y/n starts to gaze into the mirror

Steven: I fixed the mirror! You guys didn't tell me it was like a person?

(Steven universe x Nemesis reader) GEMS!!!Where stories live. Discover now