Operation S.T.A.R.S

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It was a day after the prison break as Y/n is seen picking up giant pieces of metal before crushing them easily into a fine ball as he makes a large one a medium one and a small ome before slamming them on top of eachother

Y/n: Y/n made a metal man

Pink: Doesn't it need limbs? And also a face?


Y/n grabs more metal before bending them in several ways before eventually making the parts for his metal man as he attaches them making the work of art complete...

Y/n: Yay


Y/n is now sitting on the couch next to Garnet as they take the whole couch up in space Y/n suddenly get a thought

Y/n: Garnet?

Garnet: Hmm?

Y/n: Is Garnets favorite color red or blue?

Garnet: I................. Ive never really thought about that

Y/n: Ok.... Y/n doesn't feel good?

This gets Garnets attention as she looks over at him

Garnet: How so?

Y/n:......Y/n wants to kill you guys really badly?

Garnet stands up as she look at Y/n beford backing away and summoning her gauntlets

Y/n:.......... But why would Y/n want to hurt gems!? Y/n is... Confused???

Garnet: Ok just take deep breaths and calm down... Are you going to try and hurt us?

Y/n: No

Garnet: Ok just ignore those feelings and thoughts alright?

Y/n:....... Ok

Garnet then watches as Y/n gets up from the couch before walking around humming to himself as Garnet lets out a sigh of relief

*Meanwhile somewhere*

We see Peridot yelling furiously into some sort of device while looking at a screen made by her attachments

Peridot: Operation S.T.A.R.S... Um... Operation S.T.A.R.S? Uh lets see what other command sequences are there?

*Back with Y/n*

He is seen bashing his head against the cliff wall while trying to stop the urge to walk into the temple and shatter all of his friends

Pink: Um Y/n are you good?


Pink: I am going to take that as a no?

Inside the temple we see Pearl inspecting the device she was given by Y/n as she looks at it however she immediately recalls the basic design from ineffective experiments long ago

Pearl: GARN-

Garnet: Already here I brought Steven and Amethyst to

Pearl: Oh um good well anyway so you know this device right?

Garnet: Yes

Pearl: Well it was meant to force commands onto its target

Steven: Wait isn't that Y/n's head chip thingy?

Pearl: Correct but we should be glad that Y/n took it out in time. Otherwise if a order was given on a input device connected to the chip then Y/n would have no other choice but to comply

Garnet: Ok... Then why did Y/n talk about how he wanted to kill me earlier

Amethyst: Whoa! what?

Steven: Huh?

Pearl: Um... Well the thing is that this device was meant to activate the commands and they would follow it without question so it... Suppressed their consciousness so to speak

Steven: Like sleep walking!

Pearl was about to say no before she thought about it and agreed

Pearl: Yes like sleepwalking which is interesting bec-

Garnet: Pearl Y/n threating to kill us?

Pearl: Oh... Right so Even though we took the device out. The commands are still injected into the subjects brain so the reason why he has had these feelings is because he is awake while his brain is accepting the orders

Amethyst: Ugh normal talk Pearl... Please!

Pearl: *sigh* Y/n and his brain are having a disagreement... The only way to stop this is to either shutdown the imput device or nullify Y/n's brain activity

They all look around at eachother before the temple shakes as Y/n has gone from hitting his head to bashing the cliff wall with his fists as he shouts

Garnet: Alright gems we need to keep Y/n busy while we figure out a plan... Distract him dont attack him

The gems then open the temple door as they rush outside to see Y/n punching the cliff before Y/n looks at the group


(Steven universe x Nemesis reader) GEMS!!!Where stories live. Discover now