Tyrant in the Temple

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Y/n: my head hurts and why is it so hot all of a sudden?

Amethyst: Guys he's waking up!

Y/n then looks around the room first noticing the gems then noticing he's in a red lit room with a bunch of gems in bubbles high onto the ceiling

Y/n: Where is Y/n?

Pearl: A place where your going to stay awhile

Y/n tilts his head in confusion as he starts to panic a little noticing he is wrapped in about 20 layers of chain

Y/n: I was right! Gems are bad shouldn't have trusted them!

Garnet: Calm down its for your own safety. We are going after Lapis so in order to prevent another freakout your staying here.

Y/n: Gems not lie to Y/n?

Garnet: no we are just keeping you here for as long as the mission is I would never hurt you unless it's necessary

Y/n:......Ok but chain's necessary?

Garnet: yes now we will not be gone long so sit tight bye

The gems then walk through a door it sealing behind them as Y/n watches

Y/n: Y/n bored :(

Y/n then trys to stretch his arms as a poping sound alerts him as he realizes a couple of the chains fall off broken seeing this Y/n gives an effort to break the chains as they soon all break and Y/n is free

Y/n: Yay the chains were a bit annoying :) Im going to go lay down on the couch now

Y/n approaches the door and trys to open it but it doesn't budge he even trys to ram it open but to no improvement but the shaking causes one of the bubbles to slowly float Infront of Y/n

Y/n: it's shiny like a star :) imma touch it!

Y/n then pokes the bubble as a gem falls infront of him curiously he touches it as it begins to glow turning into some Abomination

Y/n: Did I do a bad again :(

The monster then lunges at Y/n only being blocked by Y/n's forearm before being tossed away the monster soon recovers as it leaps to the ceiling poping more bubbles causing gems to fall to the ground soon glowing and turning into more monsters

Y/n:...... Why doesn't Y/n listen?

The monsters charge Y/n as he delivers several blows on some of the creatures causing them to go back into a gem but the monsters also gets attacks in cutting into Y/n's flesh only to regenerate a little later

Y/n: I didn't know I could do that? But it still hurts :(

The battle raged on as soon as Y/n was about to kill all of them they would come back through the gems and as soon as they were about to kill Y/n he would regenerate all the while more gems fell to the ground only making the battle more tiring as both sides trade blows


Y/n: DIE!!!

The battle has been going on for 2 days now Y/n is getting tired while the monsters are aswell Y/n finally takes one of the gem monsters down again but this time it didnt come back as it was probably much too tired to regenerate Y/n then gets scrached across his eye as it doesn't regenerate aswell causing Y/n serious pain

Y/n: Cant see! Cant see!!!

Y/n starts flailing around wildly causing many of the gems to be taken out as the gems starts to avoid Y/n as he is now attacking anything within distance but it was too no use as soon all the Monsters are returned to there gems when finally a sound is heard that Y/n has wanted to hear for a long time as the door opens and the gems walk in

Garnet: Y/n were back sorry it took longer....then............expected

Y/n looks too the noise relief filling his body as exhaustion takes over

Y/n: Gems say they wont be gone long :(

Y/n then falls to the floor as the other gems come in and look at all the gems on the ground

Pearl: Wh-What happened!!!

Amethyst: Whoa ive never seen so many gems on the floor!?! Who did this?

Garnet:......Y/n *sigh* start bubbling the gems back it's gonna take awhile Y/n wake up your helping

No response

Garnet: Y/n dont ignore me get up and help.

No response

Garnet: Y/n are you alright?

Pearl: I don't like this

Garnet: Y/n?

Garnet then approaches Y/n moving his face to the side only to see he lost his eye and is bleeding badly

Garnet: Y/n! Pearl get steven in here NOW!!!

Pearl quickly runs out of the room and soon arrives with Steven

Steven: Whoa! Whats with all the gems?

Garnet: Steven not now quickly get over here!

Steven then runs to Garnet noticing Y/n in a really bad shape Steven then quickly licks his hand before trying to heal Y/n it works as Y/n starts to breathe again but is still asleep

Steven: What happened how did Y/n get like this!?!

Garnet:  A mistake

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