Somethings wrong

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It was relatively normal after Y/n smashed the orb except that more arrived everyday but Y/n didn't mind as he did the same thing over and over until one day he was asked by Garnet to stay at base so he did so... And the orbs stopped coming


Another day the wailing stone was emitting a loud noise and Y/n was once again asked by Garnet to sit this one out and when they came inside they didn't bring up what they did to Y/n as he started to question what was going on


It was a shiny day as Y/n got up from odd the couch only to walk outside to see Steven with a giant shield blocking lasers from hitting the gems being shot by a giant hand with a cheetopuff standing on top, a totally unfamiliar blue lady and Peridot

Y/n: What the f*** did Y/n miss???

Pink: A lot apparently? You should probably help them

Y/n nods as he bends his legs before launching into the air and landing on the giant hand behind the 3 as they somehow dont notice him

Y/n: Shooting gems is bad strangers should know that?

Lapis: Oh clod

Peridot: YES! and you made fun of me Jasper! saying "Strong Organics dont exist" and "If your right then your version of strong isn't something to worry about"

Jasper: So your the strong organic? Eh I'll deal with you later right now I have to deal with ROSE!!!!

Jasper then jumps off the ship as Y/n walks up to Lapis as he lowers his face to hers

Y/n: Blue lady looks familiar???

Lapis: Nope! no I dont probably somebody else hehe!

Pink: They kinda look like Blue in a way?

Y/n: Hmm alright Y/n believes you :)

Y/n walks past Peridot as he looks down at the beach below just in time to see Garnet get split in half and see her "die"


Y/n jumps down off the ship as he runs at Jasper before tackiling her as he runs her straight into the side of the temple's mountain before backing up and releasing tons of punches bashing Jasper further into the moutain


Y/n goes to slam his arms down but receives a helmet to the head knocking him away from Jasper

Jasper: I was going to fight you later!!! And I WILL LATER UNDERSTAND!!!!


Jasper: Oh so you dont understand Peridot fire!

Peridot: But-

Jasper: You said they could regenerate so whats the problem!

Peridot sighs as Y/n charges but is shut down by a giant laser enveloping his body leaving a charred skeleton with muscle still standing

Jasper: Creepy~

The skeleton starts to move toward Jasper but is once again enveloped by a laser before it finally stops moving but is seen regenerating rapidly

Steven: Y/N!!!

Steven runs over to protect Y/n but gets grabbed by Jasper before being headbutted and knocked out as Jasper drags Y/n and Steven back to the ship and inside

Jasper: It has to be my lucky day I got to fight Rose and I get to fight a immortal strong organic that can give me a workout!!!

Peridot then runs from around a corner approaching Jasper

Jasper: What do you want?

Peridot: The normal cells cant hold subject Y/n I know this from the records we will need to hold him in the ships lab

Jasper: *sigh* Fine go ahead just make sure they live I want to fight them again

Jasper then walks off with Steven as Peridot looks at the 7,3 body infront of her

Peridot: WAIT I CANT MOVE THE BO-........... I will have to get Lapis to help me transport

Peridot moves to Lapis cell before opening it and asking her to follow as they make their way back to Y/ns body which is already half way regenerated

Lapis: What happened to them?

Peridot: I had to fire all the ships cannons to subdue them and I need your help to transport them to the lab

Lapis:........ Fine only because even though he tried to choke me to death. Which is weird because we dont need to breath? I found his innocence when I met him cute

Peridot: Wait........ Innocence?

Lapis: Yeah he just sorta walked around and would sometimes get distracted by a butterfly?

Peridot: That isn't right he's supposed to be a buff super weapon that kills gems on sight? I will have to see if Operation S.T.A.R.S is still in effect!

They slowly begin to take Y/n to thw lab as they set him on a table before closing several metal cuffs onto his arms, legs, and torso,

Peridot: Thank goodness I was believed enough to be gifted this or else we wouldn't be able to contain them

Lapis: So what is S.T.A.R.S?

Peridot: Well it stands for-

S= Search for

T= Target

A= And

R= Rip them apart

S= Swiftly

Lapis: Hehe well that didn't go to plan~

Peridot: I.................Go back to your cell

Lapis does so as Peridot looks over Y/ns body before looking into a screen as she pulls up several of Y/n's files

Peridot: Now lets see why the gen 1 peridots made you

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