Fight and bites

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Y/n: Wha-

Y/n is interrupted by Garnet punching him in the gut and sending him off the porch as Y/n lands on the ground with a crash

Garnet: Fight me this is punishment and training now fight me!

Y/n: But if I hurt you I hurt good person which makes Y/n bad person! :(

Garnet: No this is.....A friendly fight it's for fun

Y/n: oh ok :)

Y/n then gets back up while Garnet jumps off the porch and lands in front of Y/n as Garnet charges Y/n. he swings but is easily dodged as Garnet once again punches Y/n in the gut again as he is backed up a few feet


Y/n attacks Garnet but is once again dodged and a punch hits his gut again but Y/n only spits up some blood he then wraps his arms around Garnet and begins crushing her Garnet then headbuts Y/n staggering him and allowing her to escape

Y/n: Do we have to continue?

Garnet: Until one yields!

Y/n: What does yield mean?

Garnet:........until one is beaten

Y/n: Oh........Y/n will beat you then

Garnet: you can try

Garnet trys to hit Y/n in the gut again but when she does he doesn't flinch taking her by suprise Y/n grabs Garnets arm before repeatedly bashing her into the ground until she grabs his arm and breaks it causing her to be freed from Y/ns grip

Garnet: Oh my stars im sorry! I-I didnt mean to-

Garnet is silenced as Y/n's hand snaps back into place as a tendril extends from his hand and wraps around Garnets throat as she is pulled to the ground as she struggles to get free

Y/n: Yield please :(

Garnet didn't reply but instead ripped off Y/ns tendril as it falls to the ground writhing a bit before falling still as she gets up and attacks Y/n he swings at her as she jumps to dodge as she puts her gauntlets together and slams them on Y/n's head with enough momentum to crack the ground beneath him causing him to fall over

Garnet: rule 1 never get confident


Garnet: Y/n?


Garnet: And your unconscious

Garnet drags Y/n with a little bit of effort as she takes him inside as Pearl and Steven are inside and look at her

Pearl: Garnet wasn't that a bit harsh?

Garnet:.....He can take it



Pearl: ok then?

*Timeskip 5 minutes*

Y/n: eerrr Y/ns head hurt

Steven: oh your awake!

Y/n: yes Y/n is up but feels down :(

Steven: yeah Garnet said she hit you pretty hard?

Y/n: hmmm

Steven: Hey Y/n are you doing anything today?

Y/n: Y/n does nothing everyday

Steven: Hehe true if thats the case I need your help with some-


Garnet then runs out of her room and goes outside as Y/n follows and once they get on the beach they see a pinned Amethyst while a odd looking monster is on top of her

Garnet then runs out of her room and goes outside as Y/n follows and once they get on the beach they see a pinned Amethyst while a odd looking monster is on top of her

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The creature then notices Y/n and hops off her and charges at Y/n Garnet trys to stop the creature but as she trys to punch it they jump over her and lands on Y/n and seems to attack him

Pearl trys to attack the creature but her spear is grabbed by Y/n who takes it out of her hand and tosses it away

Pearl: Y/n why did you do that!?!

Y/n: Creature not hurt Y/n?

Amethyst: whaaaaaaaat?

The gems look closer as they realise the creature is actually snuggling up to Y/n

Amethyst: ahhh it's kinda cute when it's not trying to kill me?

Pearl: hey what is it and why does it like Y/n???

Y/n then picks up the creature not quite knowing what to do with it he sits it down on the ground but it jumps back onto Y/ns chest

Garnet: I think I might know why

Amethyst: yeah well what is it then?

Garnet: Y/n do you remember our fight yesterday?

Y/n: yes Y/n sadly remembers :(

Garnet: do you remember when I got free from your attack?

Y/n: Yes it hurt

Garnet: You have the ability to regenerate but what would happen if lets say a limb was cut off

Pearl: I don't know? Wait are you saying that this is one of Y/ns limbs?

Amethyst: I mean it's possible it is very Attached to him

Pearl: this is no time for joke's Amethyst

Y/n: what does Y/n do with it?

Garnet: well your limb your responsibility so I guess take care of it?

Y/n: Wait does Y/n have a pet now?

Garnet: I guess you can put it that way?

Pearl: Wait a minute we dont know what this thing is capable of for all we know it gives off poisonous gas or something what do we even call it!!!

Y/n: Licky :)

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