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     Y/n heads to the gems with a unhesitant march as he simply stares blankly

Pearl: Garnet do you have any ideas!?

Garnet: Dont worry this will end in 3...2...1

*Meanwhile with Peridot*

Peridot: Come on! Why doesn't this stupid thing work!?

Peridot then slams the device onto the ground before stomping on it as it breaks to pieces

*Back with the gems*

Y/n pauses his march as he looks around confused before scratching his head a bit facing the gems

Y/n: Err Y/n is sorry about... whatever that was?

Amethyst:...... Well that was surprisingly easy?

Steven: Yeah?

Pearl: Well... Im going to go to my room now

Pearl then left along with the others as Y/n stays outside before walking to the sea and looking at his reflection

Y/n:..... Y/n is weapon.

Y/n keeps looking at himself the entire night as he trys to think about what he is while Pink keeps him company


It's been a day as Y/n keeps looking at himself in the water before a sudden weight on his shoulder alerts him

Y/n: Hmm?

Amethyst: Listen Y/n you gotta save me!

Y/n looks at Amethyst before she jumps down infront of him hiding herself infront of Y/n's broad form

Amethyst: Listen "Momzilla" in their is trying to make me help her search my room for the "Slinker"

Y/n:....... Who is "Momzilla"?

A sudden tap on Y/n's shoulder gains his attention as he turns his head to see Garnet with stoic expression on her face

Garnet: Hand her over

Y/n: Um who is "her"

Garnet: Amethyst

Y/n: wait then that means. Garnet is "Momzilla"?

Garnet peaks infront of Y/n as she sees Amethyst before grabbing her arm and dragging her inside as Y/n follows them into Amethyst's room as he notices Steven beside him

Y/n: Actually Y/n just remembered Y/n is busy bye!

They watch as Y/n walks over to the door as Pink opens it but to the gems it just seems it opens for Y/n on his own as he walks out before heading back to the beach and returning to looking into the water at himself

Y/n: Y/n wont hurt them.

Y/n continues to stare at his reflection once again for the whole day as he gets lost in his thoughts

Y/n: Who did this to Y/n? Why did they do this to Y/n?

Y/n goes back inside before lifting up the couch and taking his rocket launcher out from beneath it as he sets down the couch before sitting on it as he inspects his weapon

Y/n: Your related to Y/n. Y/n doesn't remember who he is but maybe you do?

As Y/n inspects his weapon he eventually finds shapes on the side. diamond symbols with the colors Blue, White, and Yellow making up the three

Y/n: Wait Y/n rememb-

Steven: Hey Y/n Pearl is teaching Connie how to use a sword wanna watch!

Y/n: Yes.

Y/n then follows Steven to watch the training.

(Steven universe x Nemesis reader) GEMS!!!Where stories live. Discover now