Prison break!

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Y/n woke up with a stir as he immediately notices the multiple needles in his body as he stares down as his chest the scars still there from previous experiments as he stares down at the several locks on his body as he finds it hard to move

Pink: Thank stars your awake!? We need to get out of here that Peridot plans on testing on you again!

Y/n: WHAT!

hearing this Y/n starts to thrash around in the locks but cant get enough movement to break out as he struggles however he looks down at his arm as it bubbles before 2 arms and emerge as a creature emerges before quickly taking a familar form

hearing this Y/n starts to thrash around in the locks but cant get enough movement to break out as he struggles however he looks down at his arm as it bubbles before 2 arms and emerge as a creature emerges before quickly taking a familar form

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Y/n: Licky!

Licky quickly crawls around Y/ns body before hoppinf off the table and going over to a nearby desk before slashing at the controls as the locks come undone as Y/n stands up rubbing his wrist as Licky hops to his shoulder as Y/n pulls out the various needles before exploring the lab eventually finding a door

Y/n: Open sesame!

Y/n kicks the door as it easily gets broke down as a giant boot print is left in the metal as it falls as Y/n makes his way through the ship

Pink: Do you hear that?

Y/n: What?

Pink: Listen~

Y/n stops moving as he hears music as he follows the noise until he stops at a cell as he walks through the energy beams meant to be bars as he stares at the small blue gem who still hasn't noticed him as 1 thought runs through his mind

Y/n: Gem is adorable and now Y/n's

Sapphire: Huh!?

Y/n picks up the blue gem as he faces her forward before hugging her in a tight squeeze before walking back through the energy field clutching the small gem

Sapphire: Um I didn't foresee this!

Y/n: Gem is to cute to be in cell so gem comes with Y/n! :)

Y/n pulls Sapphire tighter into the hug as he continues to wander the ship

Sapphire: Um Y/n I appreciate your protection but um could you maybe put on a shirt?

Y/n looks down at the now slightly red gem as he pats her head

Y/n: How does gem know Y/n's name?

Pink: Oh thats probably because they Sapphires can see the future and she is a Sapphire

Y/n: Oh thats why!

Sapphire: What do you mean I haven't responded?

Y/n: Hmm?

Just as Sapphire was about to question Y/n more Jasper is heard complaining about how Sapphire escaped as Y/n finally puts down Sapphire

(Steven universe x Nemesis reader) GEMS!!!Where stories live. Discover now