Y/n's Second Drink

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Everyone was sick of Garnet and Pearl. Garnet was still bitter about the whole fusion thing and Pearl was still winey about.... well you can probably guess

However now they face Peridot who is shocked by the gems warping directly to their location.

Y/n: Peridot.

Peridot: WHAT! How did you find me!?

Y/n: Secret.

Peridot: Ugh! Don't you have anything better to do then annoy me!

Amethyst: Nope we're gonna-

Pearl: Prepare to be annoyed!

Peridot: *groans* I don't have time for this!

She then forms a blaster with her fingers and generates a small energy ball

Peridot: This planet has an expiration date, and I'm not gonna stick around to find out when!

Peridot fires the energy shot, but the force of the blast knocks Peridot over. The shot misses the Crystal Gems, but hits a nearby pillar, causing it to fall over.

Y/n: Super hero pose!

Y/n raises his fist and smashes the pillar, before Steven summons his shield and protects the group from the falling debris. Pearl turns around and glares at Peridot, who is still on the ground. Peridot looks at her blaster and then back at Pearl, chuckling.

Pearl: That's it! I'm taking her out!

Garnet: Pearl wait!

Y/n: Y/n will get her.

Peridot fires a tractor beam at Pearl in retaliation, immobilizing her entirely.

Peridot: Ha! Sorry, but you're going the wrong way!

Peridot swings Pearl around and throws her away, causing her to collide into Y/n. A snap being heard as she collides against his rock hard body

Garnet: Get her!

Amethyst charges at Peridot, using her spin dash attack. Peridot jumps and dodges out of the way, causing Amethyst to crash into the pile of rubble that Peridot was moving earlier. Amethyst pops out of the pile and shakes off the dust, growling. As Peridot tauntingly scuttles away on her fingers.

Peridot: Hahahaha, you missed

Y/n: Pearl needs to stay out of Y/n's way.

Y/n then grabs Pearl's leg before peeling her off and tossing her away. He then continues to chase Peridot as she scuttles onto one of the warp pads, only to find that it does not work.

Peridot: AGH! Doesn't anything work on this cruddy planet!? EEP!

She just manages to jump out of the way as Y/n's fist collide with the ground. It quickly ruptures as she gets sent flying before recovering

Steven: My turn!

Steven with his shield summoned again, tosses it at Peridot like a frisbee.

Peridot: Huh? OW!

Peridot rubs her head at the clean shot. All the while Y/n aims his rocket launcher at her. Slightly grinning as the Lazer dots onto her body

Garnet: Amethyst, catch! Don't let Y/n shatter her!

Garnet hurls a broken pillar into the air, and Amethyst grabs it with her whip.

Amethyst: Y/n! What did we say about the Rocket Launcher on missions!

Amethyst hurls the pillar infront of the missile, completely destroying it. The force of the impact also launches Peridot out of the air

Y/n: Not to use it on gems

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 20, 2023 ⏰

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