Y/n's Advice

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Phew. The tension at the temple has never been thicker. And not because Y/n has become more of a unit thanks to a certain Pearl

Amethyst: How long are they going to stay mad at eachother?

Y/n: Let's see. Pearl overeacts and constantly trys to overdo it. Ruby is easily offended and Sapphire just wants to focus on the future and forget. Soooo give it a couple

Steven: Just a couple days?

Y/n: No. Couple thousand years

Steven and Amethyst frown as Y/n simply shrugs before standing up with a stretch. He had to get his thoughts off all this sadness and anger

Y/n: Y/n summon thee, Greg!

And as Y/n finishes his thought Greg bursts through the door, laughing

Greg: Hey does anyone want to go on a road trip!

Pink: Wow you got some wacky powers

Y/n: Y/n is magician.

Besides Y/n's usual carefree attitude Greg notices the tension in the temple, he immediately lowers his enthusiasm at this

Greg: Is this a bad time?

Garnet: No. Please continue

Greg: Well it's just I have to pick up something from the state of Keystone,

Pearl: You mean Keystone?

Greg: Yeah the state of Keystone

Y/n: How will we drive? We are on a island.


Garnet and Y/n were now cramped in the back of the van as the two humans stay in the front. Garnet wanted to go to get away from Pearl, Y/n wanted too because he liked Steven. However Garnet's mood didn't escape Y/n's watchful eye

Y/n: Garnet

Garnet: Hmm

Y/n pulled the lever in between the seats dropping the back of the seats too the floor. He lays down shortly followed by Garnet who once again looks rather agitated

Y/n: If Garnet is uncomfortable, Y/n wouldn't mind taking you back home

Garnet: I'm. Fine.

Y/n rolls his eye at this before patting Garnet's afro. It seems a more physical way of calming her nerves would be needed


The group makes it to the hotel without much issue. Greg shortly leaves leaving a antsy Garnet with Y/n and Steven, a horrible combo if your trying to hide your emotions

Steven: So do you want to swim in the pool or, watch a movie, or jump on the beds! Or get free ice!

Y/n: Steven can go swim and Pink can join you!

Pink: What am I supposed to do?

Y/n: Figure it out?

Steven as excited as ever goes out to the pool who is soon followed by Pink. Leaving Garnet and Y/n, who leans down to Garnet who's sitting on the bed

Before flicking her forehead

That seemed to be the last straw as Garnet becomes undone and Sapphire and Ruby appear. Who soon both begin to yell at Y/n


Sapphire: Y/n you shouldn't have done that.

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