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Garnet Pearl and Amethyst are all gathered around the couch staring at an unconscious Y/n

Garnet: I dont like this he's been asleep for 3 days now?

Amethyst: I dont see the problem I've slept for a week before?

Garnet: Yes but your a gem Y/n is a....well person?

Pearl: Hmm I think I know a way to wake him up but you might not like it

Garnet: Pearl what are you thinking?

Pearl: Humans go to sleep and show pictures of past experiences they call this dreaming but in some cases those memories are bad and wake the person up out of fear causing a nightmare

Amethyst: So your telling me we have to scare Y/n awake? How are we supposed to do that he isn't conscious?

Pearl: well here's the bad part we will have to trigger his worst fears and the last place that Y/n went through something horrifying was..

Garnet: The facility

Pearl: yes and what made Y/n the thing he is today is his scariest memory

Garnet: So we will have to do what they did in order to wake him up

Amethyst: Hold on your saying we have to torture Y/n?

Pearl: yes sadly it's the only way unless any of you have ideas?

Garnet: no lets do it it's the only way

Pearl: we'll lets think what is one of the most horrible things they could have done to Y/n?

Garnet then goes to the kitchen and grabs a knife

Garnet: I know one thing they did sadly

Garnet then walks up to Y/n before putting the knife at his chest then cutting strait down the wound heals and Y/n Immediately jolts awake but it doesn't go as planned and Y/n smacks Pearl and amethyst away before jumping off the couch into a corner


Garnet: Y/n listen to me nothing is happening just calm down and come here

Y/n Immediately notices that Garnet still has a bloodied knife with blood on her face a bit on her glasses

Y/n: Liar! Please please leave Y/n alone

Y/n is soon reduced to whimpering and crying softly in the corner of the home as the three gems watch in guilt

Amethyst: hey buddy its alright

Amethyst slowly starts walking to Y/n

Garnet: Amethyst dont he's unstable right now!

Amethyst doesnt listen as she gets closer and closer to Y/n

Amethyst: look it's all a misunderstanding ok we wouldn't hurt you now come on lets all calm do-


Y/n then slashes his and at Amethyst as a tendril comes out of Y/n's hand slashing amethyst causing her to fly back into a wall

Pearl: Amethyst!!! We told you not to go near him!

Amethyst: yeah im ok thanks?

Garnet: Y/n I need you to look at me ok?

Garnet takes off her glasses as Y/n slowly turns his head staring at Garnet

Garnet: Do I look like anyone who hurt you?


Garnet: Ok take deep breaths in and out and calm down

Y/n slowly breathes in and out with Garnet calming him down as he gets a grip of where he is at

Y/n: Im safe Y/n is not at the Facility anymore Y/n is with good gems :)

Garnet then puts there glasses back on as they approach Y/n and helps them up to there feet

Garnet: Im sorry for scaring you it was the only way to wake you up

Y/n: Y/n forgives gems just don't do it to Y/n again :(

Garnet: Of course *sigh* Just tell me one thing

Pearl: What happened in the chamber?

Y/n: Y/n was bored found chains easy to break Y/n tries to leave but causes bubble to fall down Y/n pokes bubble monster gem is released pops more bubbles Y/n trys to kill them but they came back and made even more gems fall down Y/n fights best he could for 2 days Gems get tired eventually dont come back Y/n also tired so Y/n cant come back monster takes Y/n's eye Y/n kills all monsters gems return

Amethyst: Wait so you was fighting in there for 2 DAYS!! Thats awesome!!!

Garnet: Yes however everything turned out ok I was the one who thought it was a good Idea to keep you there ask anything and I will do my best to do it

Y/n:.......Let Y/n kill gems

Pearl: WHAT!!! You cant come with us on missions!!!

Garnet: deal

Amethyst: Yooo nice we have a Non gem to the Gem Squad!!!

Pearl: Garnet you cant be serious!

Garnet: Pearl I said anything and he's proven himself capable enough

Y/n: Ye let me go :)

Pearl: But Garnet he said kill gems as in shatter!!!

Garnet: no I think he thinks he kills them when they go back into a gem but it is probably best we dont teach him how to "actually" kill a gem

Pearl: Ok fine but dont do ANYTHING without asking while on missions got it?

Y/n nods his head as Amethyst approaches Y/n looking at his hand

Amethyst: Whoa dude! You got a whip in your hand I wonder if I can do that?

Garnet look at his hand noticing the tendril moving like a snake

Garnet: Y/n can you put it away it makes me uncomfortable

Y/n: Ok? Why would something like this freak out Garnet?

Pearl: we'll at least everything has somewhat gone back to normal.

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