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The gems went on a mission for some unknown object but it didn't matter to Y/n as he was seen rolling in the strangely soft flowers

Garnet: Come on Y/n were going home

Y/n:  Y/n is Coming

As they were walking back Steven started to sneeze a lot but Y/n figured it was just the pollen but as they made it to the warp pad and began to warp home Steven was about to sneeze again

Amethyst: Oh Oh! Do it at Pearl

Pearl: Steven dont!

Steven then sneezed which sent his head flying outside the warp stream as he was stuck there for a bit until Garnet finally pulled him back in

Pearl: Steven be careful it's dangerous outside the stream!

Garnet: Yeah no air and its very cold

Steven: Guys I saw something warping!

Y/n: Hmm was it bad gem?

Steven: I dont know what it was but something definitely warped

Pearl: Thats not possible Steven is your vision blurred by the pollen

Steven: No Pearl I can see just fine

Garnet: Steven there is nothing out there because there hasn't been anything for a long long long time


Y/n was laying down on the couch apparently playing with flowers all day makes you sleepy but what made Y/n concerned is that Steven was not sleeping

Y/n: Is Steven okay?

Steven: Huh oh yeah Y/n dont worry about it!

Y/n: Steven is worried about warp?

Steven: That obvious? Yeah im worried its a gem monster and it will attack me when im asleep!!!

Y/n: If it is bad gem Y/n will kill it if it comes through so Y/n thinks it is best if you sleep

Steven: Ok but promise you will stay up?

Y/n: Promise

Steven then lets out a yawn and smiles as he drifts off to sleep while Y/n sits down and stares at the warp pad all night


It was now morning and Y/n was still staring at the warp pad when a weight on his shoulders caught his attention turning he saw Amethyst grinning

Amethyst: Hey Y/n did I spook ya!

Y/n: Yes Amethyst did spook me Y/n was focussed on the warp pad

Pearl then rounds the corner now seeming confused as she overheard the conversation

Pearl: Do you actually think Steven saw something?

Y/n: Y/n don't know but if Steven did it's best to be safe

Pearl: Yes but your less...................child like today? Is something wrong???

Y/n: Y/n stayed up to protect Steven and gems

Amethyst: Whoa! I dont think thats good for you?

Garnet: It isn't

Y/n turns his head again this time seeing Garnet while she had a concerned look on her face

Pearl: If it is worrying you two so much then how about we search the warp pads?

Steven: Great Idea Pearl!

(Steven universe x Nemesis reader) GEMS!!!Kde žijí příběhy. Začni objevovat