Bothering Yoongi

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For you HoseoksLefteyebrow , enjoy :)

It was another day at the dorms. Deiji has settled in for the week and was slowly getting more comfortable with the other members. She already loved them all.

One of which though seemed more silent and reserved, and she wanted that to change.

Deiji told Jungkook about her adventures in trying to find his room the first time and mentioned the locked door. He immediately told her that she shouldn't try to enter there ever again. It seemed quite dramatic to her. 

"But why?" She asked.

"Because that's where Yoongi hyung stays, and he doesn't like anyone coming in there when he's busy."


"Just don't go in there, okay?" Jungkook cut her off.

To this Deiji gave up and just nodded. "Fine."

The day went on and all she could think of was the door. The way Jungkook elaborated on not to touch it, made her want to touch it even more. Some of the guys went out, probably to buy something or do something in the building. It was now just Deiji and the door.

She passed by the door multiple times. She was kinda afraid of what was in it. Jungkook seemed pretty serious about it.

"Oh well." She reached up to pull the doorknob. She expected it to be locked but-


The door was open. 

She peeked in to see a small room with a few instruments. There were two keyboards and other random equipment Deiji didn't know the names of. She steps inside and closes the door quietly. Deiji stood by the door for a moment, taking the scene in. She looked at the center of the room and there was a chair with someone sitting on it.

"Suga Oppa..." She whispered to herself, recognizing him.

He seemed so busy. The sounds of his keys and his mouse clicking away in the pc in front of him. His light hums and mutters of frustration as he tried to put a song together. He had no idea Deiji had entered the room. He had headphones on as well, which might contribute to him not knowing.

"Mm..." Deiji hummed and started to walk towards Yoongi. She was relieved it wasn't some monster behind the door. Jungkook made it sound like there was one.

One step...

Two steps....

Three steps...


Her feet made zero sound and now she stood right next to his chair. Right next to it.

Deiji's eyes turned to her left to catch a glimpse of Yoongi's face. He looked so concentrated yet calm. His eyes glued to the computer, clicking away. She didn't want to make a sound, so she just kept staring. In her words, she's observing.

After what felt like forever, Yoongi felt the stare crawling up his back. His eyes tilted to the side and saw a small figure. Was that a ghost? He thought to himself. He turned his head to the side, slowly to expand his vision.

He turned very slowly, his chair following suit.

His eyes went down to see Deiji, still staring at him.

So it isn't a ghost.

Now they were just having a staring contest.

They blinked a few times but kept at it. Deiji looked down quickly then back up at him. She shot him a small wave.

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