Faith, Trust, and Pixie Dust

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"Off to Neverland, folks!"

Taehyung pointed his toilet-paper-roll-carton spyglass at the window. Jimin stood next to him, he held Deiji on his side and smiled. "How do we get to Neverland, Angel?" He asked her.

Deiji pointed at the non-existent stars in the sky, as it was currently a little past 4pm and the sky was bright as ever. That didn't stop the trio from imagining. Taehyung and Jimin would never deny a request to play pretend.

"The second star to the right!" She pointed to the left. Jimin laughed and moved it. "Right is this way."


They all laughed, totally ignoring the five other guys in the room with them.

"Second star to the right, and straight on 'till morning!" Deiji continued, shouting the last few words. "Yes!" Taehyung said. "C'mon let's go!"

Jimin spun Deiji around in the dorm's living room. Taehyung already made his way to the front door.

"Go? Go where?" Jungkook asked, he noticed they were already by the door as if they were going to leave. "Outside!" Deiji said, Jimin put her down so she could put on her shoes.

"Where are you guys going?"

"When we were driving back here from practice, I saw a playground. It was empty since there aren't really any children in here." Taehyung explained, putting on his left shoe. "So, we're going there!"

"Well, alright then." Jungkook nodded "Enjoy!"

"We will!" Deiji smiled as Taehyung picked her up. Jimin had just finished putting on his shoes and opened the door.

"Bye Oppas!" Deiji said, waving at everyone. "I'll tell the fairies you said hello!"

The guys laughed. "Okay!" Jin replied from the kitchen. He was busy preparing dinner for everyone.

And with that, Deiji, Taehyung, and Jimin were off!

They left their dorm building and started walking towards the playground. Taehyung ran in front of Deiji and started to march. Deiji giggled and started to march behind him. "Taetae, what are you doing?"

"Well, what does it look like?" He smiled. "I'm marching of course! Jimin, cue the music please!"

Jimin started to march behind Deiji, pulling his phone out. "Already on it!"

The intro to "Following the Leader" from Peter Pan started to play. The trio marched to the beat. "Let's go lost boys!" Deiji shouted, pointing ahead.

"Aye, aye, Princess!" The two boys replied. As the music continued to play, the trio marched as they sang along to the lyrics with no care in the world.

Following the leader, the leader, the leader

We're following the leader wherever he may go

Taehyung led their single-file line towards the playground. They went through some obstacles along the way. 

Tee dum, tee dee

A teedle ee do tee day

They hopped on rocks across a river, swung on trees, touched an elephant! They even jumped a cliff!

Tee dum, tee dee

It's part of the game we play

It may all be pretend, but to them, it was a whole adventure.

Tee dum, tee dee

The words are easy to say

Just a teedle ee dum a teedle ee do tee day

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