Kiss the Prince

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"I'm gonna get you!"


The practice room's door busted open as Jimin, Deiji, and Taehyung ran inside. The rest of the group watched in amusement. The trio ran around the room in circles.

"What are you three doing?" Yoongi asked. He was already getting dizzy watching them.

"We're playing princess- AH!!!" Deiji screamed as Taehyung picked up his pace, gaining on her. They laughed and continued to run. "Yeah and Taehyung's the bad guy!" Jimin continued, running out of breath.

The practice room wasn't particularly huge so they just kept running back and forth.

"Ah...okay then." Yoongi nodded. "Well, I wish Princess Deiji the best of luck."

The group circled once more then left the practice room. To those watching them, they just look like three people running around. But in Deiji's eyes, it was a whole storybook.

Princess Deiji was saved from her lone castle by Prince Jimin. Evil Taehyung found out and is now out to get them!

They must run and escape through the vast forest.

Taehyung held his sword out and waved it around. Jimin tried his best to avoid it as they laughed.

The staff watched in amusement. Laughing and taking videos of them.

Jimin picked Deiji up and ran back towards the practice room. "I'll keep you safe Princess!" He exclaimed.

"Not today, Prince!" Taehyung cornered the pair by the mirrors, his hands spread out to keep them from running.

Jimin put Deiji down and pushed her to the side. "Run dear princess!" He dramatically said. The boys laughed as they watched the scene happen. Deiji ran towards Jungkook and stood behind him.

"You will never hurt the princess! I will protect her even if it kills me!"

It was so dramatic. It could've been a Kdrama, honestly.

The staff slowly entered the practice room, wanting to watch as well.

"Well then..." Taehyung held his ruler sword up "If you say so, Prince."


"NO!" Hobi gasped out.

Brave Prince Jimin was stabbed right then and there. "Agh!" He exclaimed, holding the ruler between his side and his arm. He held it as if it was bleeding and dropped down to the floor and closed his eyes.

He was gone.

Taehyung tried his best not to laugh.

"OPPA!" Deiji ran over and shoved Taehyung to the side with all her strength.

Jimin held his breath for as long as he can, trying not to laugh and keep his eyes closed.

Deiji sat next to him and held his hands.

(Im living for this omg)

Jungkook snickered along with everyone else.

She looked up at Taehyung and pointed at him "MONSTER! BAD TAETAE BAD!"

Taehyung flattened his lips, trying to keep a straight face. He coughed and went on with his act. "The Prince asked for it! He is gone."

"Oppa..." She whined. You could even say she teared up a little. Was this game of pretend too much?

Jin stood up and placed his hands on his sides. "Princess! I have good news!"

Jimin's face moved a bit, confused at the new character in the story.

"What is it?" Deiji said, eyes filled with anticipation.

"There is only one way to bring your prince back!" He extended his hands with every word he said. The rest of the spectators were eager to hear it.

"What? What? Tell me messenger Oppa!" Deiji stood up.

"A kiss!"

"Ehh?!" Jungkook turned and hit his hyung's leg. He couldn't be serious.

Deiji looked down at her prince. It must bring him back.

"A kiss would bring Prince Jimin back, surely!"

Deiji sat back down, her eyes staring at her prince. "Alright."

The boys were amused. Jungkook was confused but didn't stop it either. She wouldn't do that...right?

The little princess inched closer and closer until their faces were almost together. She smiled and giggled a bit then


Jimin opened his eyes in shock and immediately wrapped Deiji in a hug. She squealed hugged him back.

The boys cheered and laughed, clapping their hands. Jungkook was stunned.

"Jimin-ah!" He shouted playfully "How dare you!"

The pair of royalty ignored it and laughed. "Tada!!!" Jin said, proud of his work.

"I'm back Princess!" Jimin said with a big smile "You saved me!"

Deiji smiled so wide. Her cheeks were slowly turning pink at what she just did.

"My Prince is back!" She wrapped her arms around his neck. Another kiss came, this time on his cheek.

"Wahh~ daebak!" Hobi said "She had her first kiss already. And it's with Jimin!"

Yoongi laughed "Oh the amount of people who would die to be Deiji right now."

And with that, the room was filled with laughs and cheers. Prince Jimin and Princess Deiji returned to the kingdom and lived




The end.

Whooo! This was so fun!

I bet ya'll had fun too huh?


I hope you enjoyed and don't forget to drop a VOTE and a REQUEST!

See you guys in the next one! Stay safe!

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