Decorated Desks

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Deiji's been with the guys for an extra few days now, and Jungkook's been trying to find a pre-school for her.

He didn't even know where to start. He didn't think that the internet would actually show good schools, so he resulted in asking around. He asked a couple of the staff, his manager, and even Bang-PD.

His mother's words started to sink in when he realized all the extra responsibilities that started to weigh on his decisions. He didn't care that it was difficult. He got himself into this and he's going to do things right.

With all the people that he asked, he was at a dead end. Some replied that they didn't know any and apologized, while some said they'd check (which we all know means 'no' as well). He sighed out loud.


Jungkook turned his head. Right, he forgot he was walking with Deiji. "Yeah?" He replied. She smiled and held his hand. "Are you thinking again?"

He chuckled and nodded slightly. "Yeah, again." Deiji pouted and copied his deep sigh. "You're always thinking."

"There's a lot on my mind. I'm sorry."

Jungkook went to have a walk around the city with Deiji because she said she wanted to see what were the buildings around the company. He didn't have plans at the moment so he agreed. He dressed up in the most casual he can to not stand out so much. So far, it was working.

The pair continued to walk, they were exploring streets they've never visited before. Most were just brick houses, some were small restaurants, but there was one house that stood out. It was shorter than the surrounding buildings, but it was inviting.

There were sounds of children giggling and chit-chatting with one another, yet he saw no children on the streets.  Jungkook and Deiji decided to walk towards it. In the street of mediocre-sized buildings, there was a small house at the corner of the street. It had a slanted roof and all that. It stood out.

They walked closer and low and behold, it was...a school?

It sure looked like one. The house was small and L-shaped. An open area occupied the space inside. The area was covered by a wired fence, similar to those in school soccer fields. A playground sat by the corner, a small sand box by the fence, a few flower beds along the house's walls. It looked so cozy.

"Oppa, look!" Deiji pointed at a few kids playing around. They weren't hectic and rough. The kids seemed gentle and caring towards the things they played with. They didn't destroy the sand box, or step on the slide with their dirty shoes. Jungkook was impressed at the children's attitude.

"C'mon." He went over to the front door and opened it. A small bell attached to the top rang as they stepped in. The room was a bright pastel blue decorated with rainbows and drawings of trees. A young girl stood up from her desk and greeted the duo.

"Hello!" She said with a big smile. "Welcome to Bright! How may I help you?"

Jungkook smiled at the girl. He enjoyed her enthusiasm. Deiji was hidden behind his legs. They walked forward and stopped by the desk. "Hi!" He greeted. Jungkook wasn't sure of what to do as he had never enrolled anybody in a school.

The girl laughed. "What brings you here, kind Sir? I don't think I've seen you around before." She lets out her hand. "My name's Hannah! To the kids, I'm Teacher Hannah."

Jungkook immediately shook her hand and bowed. She didn't seem much older than him, but he decided she deserved the respect. She bowed back. "Nice to meet you, Hannah." He looked around, not really sure what he was looking for. He scratched the back of his neck and chuckled nervously. "Um, this is a school...right?"

7 Boys & A Little Girl • BTS ✔Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ