Reach for the Stars

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The kitchen.

Oh the Holy Grail.

It had everything you could ever dream of.

Chips, snacks, candies, ice cream, chocolates, and breakfast!

Jin was always there, creating whatever dinner he decided to make. It always turned out good.

Every now and then, Jin would hand Deiji a little snack from the cupboard. She'd take it and go on with her day.

Today was different though. Jin wasn't home, and before he left in the morning he opened one of the cupboards and it had this huge pack of gummy bears individually packed inside. Deiji only got a glimpse of it before he shut it and left.

That pack hasn't left her thoughts at all.

She stood in the kitchen, waddling back and forth as she thought of her plan.

"I don't need Jinnie Oppa." She said "I'm a big girl! I don't need help."

And with that, she went over and opened one of the lower cabinets, stepped on the shelves, and slowly started making her way up.

Step by step, she reached the top of the counter. Just above was the cupboard that contained the gummy bears.

She tip-toed and reached as far as she could to open the cupboard. Her hands holding onto a box of cereal for the smallest ounce of support.

"Almost there...-AH"

The cereal box gave way and Deiji was sent backwards.

This was it. Her head was just going to bust open once she hits the grou-

"Woah, careful there Bonsai!"

A pair of hands held her sides and hoisted her up and over until she was sat down.

"We don't want you busting your head open." He chuckled and held her feet so she wouldn't fall back.

Deiji looked at the head of hair she sat by and glanced over. "Hm?"

The boy looked up and smiled "Hello Bonsai! How's the view from up there?"

It was Namjoon.

She giggled and pat his head. "You're super duper tall Oppa!" Namjoon laughed and opened the cupboard she was reaching for.

He pulled out the huge pack of gummy bears and opened it. He held it up for her to reach for one. "Here you go! Go get one!"

Deiji smiled and pulled a small pack out of it. "Thank you..." she whispered. Namjoon smiled and returned the rest of it in the cupboard.

He held her once more and lifted her up from his shoulders and carried her to face him.

"Now, can you promise me not to do that ever again? That was very dangerous and you could've gotten really hurt. If you can't reach something, you can always ask for help."

He scolded her gently. He didn't want to seem mean and angry towards her because she might avoid him if he does that. Deiji frowned and nodded "Okay..."

Namjoon held out his pinky.


She held out hers and locked it with Namjoon's.


*cries* this is too cute T^T

Imagine being called "Bonsai" by Namjoon?

Couldn't be me xD

Anyway, hope you enjoyed and don't forget to drop a vote and a request!

Thank you and stay safe!

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