Blue Love Parrot

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Thank you for the request, gaddhha! Enjoy <3

Night has fallen in Seoul. The city being lit up by the colorful lights surrounding the streets. People were out, eating with their friends, drinking, or just having a great time.

The boys, however, were in their dorm.


They've been so busy this week. Practicing and hanging out with Deiji. Today was more packed than usual, they really had to do a lot. So, now they were passed out in their rooms.

Not all of them though.

Deiji stirred in bed, trying to find a comfortable spot. After a few twists and turns, she couldn't find it.

"Ji-ah..." Jungkook grumbled. "What's wrong? You keep moving."

"Uh..." She fiddled with his arm that was on top of her. "I can't sleep."

"Mm...'kay." And with that Jungkook was dead asleep.

Deiji sighed and rolled out of bed, putting Jungkook's hand away in the process. She stood up, did a little stretch, and left his room.

The place was dark, nothing but the moonlight coming from the living room window lighting the room. She turned to her right, the hallway led to the other rooms. Glancing at the foot of each door, she checked if anyone was awake. 






She inhaled sharply as her hair stood up in fear. 

Was there a monster behind her?

She didn't want to check. The little girl jumped and immediately opened the door next to her, entering. Deiji huffed out as she closed the door, her back against it.

"No more more monster..." She mumbled to herself.

"What monster?"

She looked up, inhaling once again. Her eyes landed on the bed and to the person in it.

"Oh...hi." She gave a small wave. It was Taehyung. He was sitting up, back against the headboard. He didn't seem like he had slept yet.

"Hello!" He said, shooting a smile. He gestured for her to come closer and she did. He helped her up the bed and she sat down next to him, tucking her feet under his blanket.

"So...about that monster."

"It was outside!" She pointed at the door. "I was walking then suddenly creaaak!"

Taehyung smiled at how she told the monster's story. He already knew that the monster sound was caused by herself. He knew that she stepped on that one tile that would always creak. How unfortunate. It must've scared her so much.

"It's okay! That monster's gone now. You're here with me" Taehyung laughed and gave her a hug. "Now, why don't you tell me why you're here and not asleep!"

Deiji told him that she couldn't sleep. Taehyung listened intently, telling her that he couldn't sleep as well. Deiji didn't know why her mind was all over the place, she just wanted to sleep.

Taehyung, on the other hand, had an idea as to why she couldn't sit still. She was in distress. Deiji's week would be over. By the time tomorrow comes, she'd be packing her small backpack and returning to Busan. He was sad, too. He loved her presence! He didn't want her to leave.

He knew that was what her mind tried to tell her, she did her best blocking them out.

After a while of them talking about little things such as cartoons, they started getting sleepy. Deiji yawned and rubbed her eyes.

"Come here." He fixed his pillows and they both lied down. Deiji turned to the side, facing Tae who was doing th same. They both smiled and laughed.


The girl nodded.

"Alright...want me to sing you a song?" Tae didn't need a reply. The look on her eyes already pleaded a 'yes please'.

A/N: I suggest listening to Winter Bear for this part :)

Tae hummed the intro, his voice low and soothing. The way his voice painted the scene in their minds, it created a gorgeous sunset.

"She looks like a blue love parrot, would you come fly to me?" He started. Deiji closed her eyes, smiling as she listened to him. He continued.

"Looks like a winter bear, you sleep so happily." He removed a strand of hair on her face. Tae continued to sing the lullaby, both for her and himself. "I wish you a goodnight, goodnight, goodnight..."

The little girl's breaths calmed down as she drifted off to dreamland. Taehyung watched her as she did so.

"Goodnight, goodnight."

He hummed the rest of the song as his eyes started to fall as well. Turning, he switched of his reading lamp and turned back to face Deiji. Soon enough, they were both asleep. Taehyung made a mental note to remember this day forever. His little moment with the little girl that made their week.

Once she goes back to Busan, it'd be a while until he'd see her again. He was going to miss her.

One day, if she was all grown up, he promised himself he would tell her this story. If the world worked like Inside Out, this would be a core memory. All her moments with the guys would be one. 

There's no doubt about that.

Taehyung prayed that their sleep would be prolonged as he did not want the morning to arrive once they opened their eyes the next day. 

For now, he'll be taking this entire moment in.


This warmed by heart too much huhu!

I love Tae and I can't wait for him to be a father with a family of his own. He'll be such a great dad.

I'm sure you all enjoyed this chapter! We're so close to 1K reads! Thank you guys so much!

If you have any requests, please feel free to comment them or message me privately here on Wattpad! I'd love to hear from you all!

Thanks again and I'll see you in the next one!


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