Twin Pops

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It was late in the afternoon, around 5pm, and the boys have been practicing all day.

Deiji was told to wait in the lounge so she could sit more comfortably than be on the practice room's floor the entire time.

Jungkook even handed her his phone to keep her busy. He recently let her download around 5 games (paid for like two of them) a few days back because she kept saying how his phone was "boring" and too "adulty".

She laid on the blue couch, holding the phone up in the air as she played a Toca Boca game.

The staff would come by every now and then to check on the toddler. They talked with her for a while then eventually left to do their job.


In the midde of her game, the phone turned black. She did notice that the screen turned dull before that happened but she brushed it off.

Now the phone wouldn't turn on. Her heart started to beat quickly as thoughts scrambled in her brain.

Did I break it?

Oppa's gonna get mad!

I don't want Oppa to get mad!

He won't let me use his phone ever again!

What do I do?

She stood up from the couch and left the lounge. Maybe she could find an Unnie to help her with the phone. That was her mission.

Deiji looked around at the empty hallway. It was scary being all alone in such a huge building. She didn't know where to turn.





Which way should I go?

She pointed left and right as she sang the song. She stopped her finger.

"Left!" She said to herself, and off she went.

She skipped along the hallway turning wherever she pleased. Deiji was positive that she was going the right way. The hallways looked the same but the fake plants gave it more life.

The little girl sang little tunes as she continued to skip. Suddenly, something interrupted her mini concert.

"Oof!" She said, colliding with something.


She looked up at who she bumped.

"Hey Bubba! Didn't see you there! Sorry I bumped into you!"

She smiled when she realized who it was.

"Hubba!" She jumped with her hands up. It was none other than the group's sunshine, Hobi

The boy bent down and immediately picked her up. "Where have you been? I haven't seen you all day!" He asked, walking with her on his hip.

"In the room with the blue couch." Deiji replied. She then told Hobi about Jungkook's phone and that it wouldn't turn on. She laid her head on his shoulder with a pout. "What if Oppa gets mad at me?"

Hobi imitated her pout and gave her back a little pat. "Your oppa won't be mad. The phone's battery probably died. Don't worry, Bubba! Hubba will help you!" He smiled, he would often refer to himself in third person when talking to Deiji.

7 Boys & A Little Girl • BTS ✔Where stories live. Discover now