Part 19

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Hello guys!! I am back with another update thank you for all the votes and comments on the last chapters. I have started a new book if you are an army nd a taekooker then I guess you will like it please check it out and support it like you did here.

 I have started a new book if you are an army nd a taekooker then I guess you will like it please check it out and support it like you did here

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Everyone was enjoying the function and after twinkle was done other girls were applying henna on their hands and mukti was waiting for twinkle to wince in pain but she was not getting any response she started to think that her plan didn't work but then only she felt pain in her hands she looked towards the artist first then she noticed the cone and realized that it was the same cone she left for twinkle and now understood what had happened. She started whimpering because of the pain. Hearing her everyone stopped and looked towards her confused.

"What happened? Why are your hands bleeding like this?" asked alya concerned.

"I.... don...t know .why is......thi...s" said mukti whimpering. "I will tell you what's happening here." Zoya said, "This middle class bitch tried to hrm twinkle by changing her henna cone so I changed it with hers and now I got to know it had glasspieces which would have teared her skin." She smirked at last but was angry too.

"How dare you call us middle class you bitch?" alya said and was going to slap zoya when adi came and held her hand and said, "Stay in your limits or I will show you hell on this earth." alya said, " You should ask your girlfriend that and we are the biggest band in India how can she insult us like that."

"The person you are talking about is one of the best designer in the world and also the co-owner of the fashion house you and your bitchy friend are trying to work with and you 5 are nowhere near the status of murthys. IT was our mistake that we called you in our family function but I don't want to make my mouth dirty by talking to you."

Hearing the insult alya looked towards cabir and dhruv whereas cabir turned his face and dhruv was unbothered so she chose to stay silent as she knew that they were not going to help her then she heard mukti, "Abhi how can you do this to me you made me love again and then disappeared from my life I waited for you and you found someone else and you gave the excuse that I hurted your sister but what about me why didn't you came and talk to me if you had asked once to apologize I would have done that I can do anything for you. was my love not enough that you chose some slut to marry instead of me. you Nandini ou said that love is most important for you but you never asked your brother to atleast give me a chance you gave manik a chance but didn't convince abhi to do the same why?" She was crying at last forgetting her pain as it was nothing in front of th pain she felt in her heart.

"I came back mukti once to meet you but you were with harshad in an very inappropriate position and I couldn't handle that pain and here you are blaming me for everything and claiming that you still waited for me when you were with someone else in my absence. the person you are calling slut is my wife so mind your words and my sister always said that I shouldn't leave you because of her she was ready to have you as Bhabhi even though you hurt her the most and you are blaming her right now when you also know that you yourself is the reason for all this." Abhi said

Everyone was shocked with the conversation but the most shocked was alya as she didn't know about mukti going back to harshad and this hurt her very much that her bestfriend didn't told her all this. Twinkle came out of shock and hugged abhi in order to calm him down and this soothed him as anyone couldn't imagine what pain he was going through except twinkle as she knew about all this.

Nan: "I guess the drama is finished and the function is too now I would like to ask everyone to leave except fab 5."

The guests left and only murthys. malhotras and fab 5 was left. They went inside to talk but everyone was silent as they didn't know what to say. Dhruv said, "I think I should leave as I don't have anything to do here so sid sir I will take your leave and meet you in the wedding." He stood up to leave but manik stopped him saying, "This is the friendship you were talking about right when I left fab 5 the way you changed I never expected than then we expect from the people we trust on but you are not one of them you can leave."

D: "Yes, I don't give a fuck about you people I hate you especially you manik Malhotra and I will one day make you fall I promise that."

Mukti was shocked hearing this but she couldn't say anything as she was also the reason behind manan separation and the hate manik has for them now. But alya said, "Why are you saying this to dhruv when you also left us when we neede you and you got your so called love back you also didn't thought about us."

"Wow! you have the audacity to say this when he was always there for you guys he even chose you over me because he always thought you guys neede him more than me he broke my heart for you and what did you do reak hs heart again and again using him for your own benefitnever thought about him." Nandini said in full angry mode, "And dhruv you can never do that because he has a family now to support him and he doesn't need your fake family who used him just for money and fame. Now I am with him to support him and stand with him like a shield."

When Nandini finished she had tears in her eyes manik took her in a hug and rubbed her back to calm her down. Dhruv left in anger without saying anything. Mukti was looking towards abhi who was now on the couch keeping his head in twinkle's lap and closed his eyes. She was jealous and angry but couldn't do anything as she knew she had lost him and can't get him back but she didn't wanted to lose hope. She also left with alya, cabir and navya. Now only the family members were left and were tired with the drama so everyonbe retired to their rooms.

Nandini and manik were in Nandini's room she was changing when manik thought, "I know jaan I hurt you a lot but I want to make everything alright and I will I promise." He had already changed and when Nandini came back she cuddled him and slept thinking about the function of next day.

I hope you enjoyed the update if you did please vote and leave comments. Keep supporting me like this.

Thank you for reading and have a nice day.

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