Bad Girl [Tom Hiddleston/Sebastian Stan] - Threesome

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A/N I hope you like it! There's a special guest waiting for you at the end, I hope you like it!

She took a deep breath when she saw Tom Hiddleston standing in the distance with Sebastian Stan and couldn't believe her eyes. Y/N knew that the two handsome actors were currently filming a new Marvel movie together in Los Angeles, but she hadn't expected to run into them; after all, the city wasn't really small. The two men were standing on a, not really busy, corner and were also wearing baseball caps, although they didn't really help hide the men. Neither seemed interested in doing so, and Y/N's next move wasn't really well thought out.

"Oh my god! Sebastian Stan and Tom Hiddleston!" She yelled out loud before she could think. Both men's gazes turned to her and if looks could kill, then she would have been more than dead for sure. "Oh damn."

A crowd began to form around her, pushing her closer to the two angry men who quickly put on a friendly mask. There was no getting away from Tom and Seb, especially since she was between them. Y/N wished she had kept her mouth shut. Had this moment been different this would be every fan's dream to be so close to their favorite actors, but definitely not for her. She tried to slip unnoticed between the actors into the crowd, but a hand wrapped around her upper arm stopped her. She looked up at Tom, but he paid no attention to her, just like Seb, completely concentrated for photos and autographs. After what felt like an eternity, the hotel security team began to disperse the crowd, but the grip on her arm was not released. Y/N tried to slip out of the grip again and realized that it was Tom's hand that was holding her. She was gently pulled into the hotel lobby and against his chest.

"We don't want to just disappear, do we?" Tom asked, smiling kindly at her, but there was a spark in his eyes.

"First making such a mess so everyone knows what hotel we're in and then not even apologizing, that's not good manners, is it Tom?" Seb stood behind her and she could feel his breath on the back of her neck.

"II'm sorry, Mister Hiddleston and Mister Stan." She stuttered and looked down at the ground, she could understand the two men.

"How sorry are you?" Tom asked her, lifting her chin so she was looking at him

"Very sorry." Y/N replied softly.

"Maybe you should show us how sorry you are." Sebastian ran his finger over the skin of her other upper arm. "We have a perfect hotel room so you can show us how sorry you are. Do you want that?"

Her two favorite actors, who were also more than attractive, wanted her to go with them to their hotel room? Just that thought made her wet and she squeezed her legs together.

"You'll have to answer us already, darling." Tom spoke smiling and Y/N murmured in agreement. She easily caught the walk to the hotel room, too focused by the two men she was standing between. One hand each of Tom and Seb were on her back and she became even more nervous. The three stopped in front of a door and Tom unlocked it, Y/N assumed it was his room too. She went into the big room first and looked around. The hungry looks of the two men were on her body as she turned to face them.

"You've been a really bad girl," Sebastian walked around her and waited for her to tell him her name.

"Y/N," she whispered.

"Now Y/N, take off your clothes, slowly." Tom ordered sternly and her panties felt even more uncomfortable, if that was even possible. Slowly she removed her shirt and pants before taking off her bra. She took a deep breath as she removed her panties after a moment and the two men groaned. Seb walked around her and looked her body up and down. He stopped behind her and wrapped his arm around her and pulled her against his hard body, Y/N could feel his erection pressing against her back. His hand traveled up and squeezed her breasts before rolling one of her nipples between his fingers. Finally his hand moved further down to her pussy, his lips began to kiss her neck and although her eyes were closed she could feel Tom's eyes on her naked body. Seb ran his fingers through the wet fold of her pussy and Y/N moaned. She grabbed his hand as he pushed two fingers inside her.

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