Chapter 14

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Thursday afternoon I'm getting ready to clock out of my shift at Save Mart when I hear Jeff, my manager, say "Refill the coffee machine before you go, would you? This lady here says it's empty." I glance up and am frozen by what I see. Marilee. I stare at her for a moment too long, taking note of her brown hair, cut short, and her large green eyes. She's staring back at me, her mouth opened in shock.

A flash of fear crosses her face, waking me from my stupor.

"Uh, yeah, sure boss" I say, giving a quick nod to Marilee and walking away. Out of the corner of my eye I see her quickly leave the shop. Good. That is one conversation I am definitely not up for having.

I sigh as I grab the bag of coffee grounds. She looks good. Healthy. The last time I saw her she had a black eye and a split lip. Her eyes red and hazy from withdrawal. She's obviously cleaned up her life, and I'm glad. Mia deserves that.

I shake my head, thinking that's another reason I need to stay away from her. Mia's life has only gotten better since I left, while mine crumbled even further. I cant drag her back into my destruction. I won't, no matter how badly my heart aches for her..

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